Helping You Describe Your Toothache

There’s no question about it: You have a toothache. However, when we do question you about it, are you going to be able to give us an in-depth explanation about the type of discomfort you’re experiencing? Or, do you realize that aside from saying, “It hurts!” you aren’t really full of helpful adjectives at the moment to paint a detailed picture of what’s happening inside your mouth? To help you feel much more prepared and aware of your oral health and how to better communicate in this instance, our Cleveland, TX team extends some terms you may want to keep in mind!


Your Cavity: Detect It, Accept It, Treat It! 

When the topic of the day in terms of your smile care concerns is a cavity, well, there are a lot of thoughts that may be going through your mind. Our Cleveland, TX team knows that whether you’re not even sure if you have one and need a dental filling, if this is your first cavity (or most recent in a long line of cavities), or if you are just wondering how to avoid additional tooth decay, you may still have a bit of emotional discomfort in regard to the matter. Generally speaking, when you feel informed and know just what to do, it makes following through with protecting your teeth so much easier! Let us cover the details with some very simple steps.


Past, Present, Future: Time And Your Smile Care 

When you’re practicing your smile care, it’s easy to get caught up in guilt about the past, distraction in the present moment, and worry about the future. You may find that instead of finding it easy to just move forward with excellent intentions that you put into action, you feel you’ve lost your footing. Not to worry: Our Cleveland, TX team can help you gain a new context for how to apply time itself to your ability to protect your teeth, gums, and more. See just what we mean and you’ll notice that it makes your day-to-day experience much simpler.


Put A Stop To Secret Smile Damage

Did you know that you might be damaging your smile as we speak but because you’re not aware of what’s going on, you may not even realize what’s happening? Are you worried because you think to yourself that if it’s in secret, then how are you supposed to ever figure out what’s going on? The good news is that there are some very easy ways for you to figure out what’s going on (hint: Our Cleveland, TX team can help during dental visits!) and once you discover potential culprits, you can stop them in their tracks. Consider some suggestions, so you can ensure you’re giving your grin the protection you assumed you were providing!


Smile Time: Things To Keep Within Reach When…

You’re not always going to be able to casually run to your restroom, take advantage of the full collection of dental hygiene items you have, and then get your smile nice and clean! In addition, sometimes, you’re supposed to be done with caring for your smile for the day (hint, hint: when you get into bed for the night). With that said, our Cleveland, TX team wonders: Are you ready throughout the day to cater to your oral health at the drop of a hat? Consider some things you should keep within reach during particular moments, so you can always answer yes to that question!


4 Ways To Say Goodbye To Dry Mouth!

When you figure out what’s going on with your smile and the answer is dry mouth, it’s a relief to have a term to put to the issue! You get a nice definition to come along with it, too, which is essentially that your mouth is lacking the saliva (or saliva production) to keep your tissues moist and comfortable. As you may also know, this can lead to problems for your oral health, so what you want is to quickly figure out what to do to make this concern go away. Fortunately, our Cleveland, TX team is ready with a handful of helpful answers that will guide your grin back to optimal moisture levels!


Up Next: Teeth Whitening? Or Not?

Are you excited when you think about what it could mean for you to follow through on teeth whitening? Have you kicked around the idea of brightening up your smile but as for whether or not it’s up next in your life, the only response you can seem to muster up is to shrug your shoulders? What is it that has you in this perpetual state of limbo, our Cleveland, TX team wonders? Humor us, as we take some guesses that might prove more enlightening than you might have expected! Then, when you’re really ready to learn more, come on in!


What If I Need A Deep Cleaning?

You may feel worried when you discover that you need a deep cleaning instead of the traditional cleaning that you usually receive. First, of course, this is new to you, so you aren’t sure what to expect and your mind begins running wild with all sorts of ideas that make you feel ready to bolt, rather than ready to schedule this very important gum health treatment. Of course, we absolutely understand and would love for you to feel confident about doing what’s best for your periodontal health! Take just a moment before you run for the hills to think through the many reasons our Cleveland, TX team offers you to instead feel wonderful about perio care and the fact that it can save your oral health!


Is My Dentist Judging Me?

Ah, yes. Feeling judged is certainly not a nice feeling in the least! However, this may be exactly how you feel when you think about coming to see our Cleveland, TX team for the dental checkups, cleanings, and more that you receive in order to promote a smile that’s incredibly healthy (and that looks lovely as result!). Even though you know logically that you should see us and you hope we’re thinking good things about you, the thought may still cross your mind: Is my dentist judging me? My oral health? My methods of care? My personality? In short, the answer is: No way! We don’t judge our patients! With that said, we’d like to elaborate, so you feel more convinced!


Fun Facts: Ways To Perk Up Your Hygiene Sessions

Your dental hygiene is built to promote a smile that you feel proud of because it’s ticking off all the boxes: It’s clean, it’s healthy, and it’s nice to look at! While you know brushing and flossing are what it takes to make this all-star smile a reality, you might find that you’re missing the motivation to remain on-board with the care you should be performing! Instead of indulging your temptation to scrap your smile protection altogether, try something new out: Step through some of our Cleveland, TX team’s fun facts that will have you feeling more like a brushing-and-flossing enthusiast in no time!
