A Tooth Extraction Could Restore Your Oral Health

Cleveland, TX, dentist offers tooth extraction

Are you experiencing a severe toothache? Have you seriously damaged one of your pearly whites? If this has happened to you, your dentist may recommend that the structure be removed to protect the rest of your smile. Being told you will need to undergo a more invasive treatment can be intimidating, but it is often an essential step in renewing your oral health after extreme harm. The team at your Cleveland, TX, family dentist is here to guide you through this process and help you feel more comfortable.

When Is An Extraction Necessary?

Usually, your dentist will prioritize keeping your natural teeth intact. If you harm a tooth, other restorative means may be taken first. This could include filling a cavity or performing a root canal to relieve discomfort from an infection. Broken or damaged teeth may be repaired with the use of a dental crown in many cases. However, if your tooth is unsalvageable, it may be best to remove it. This can help stop the discomfort you may be experiencing and can protect your other teeth from being harmed as well. Removal may be required if the structure continues to get infected after treatment or has the potential to disrupt your oral health. This may seem intimidating, but it is a very common procedure, and our team will do their best to help you feel comfortable.

What You Can Expect From This Procedure

After deciding that extraction is the best option, an appointment can be scheduled. Before the procedure, the local area will be numbed for your comfort. If the procedure will be more invasive or you have severe dental anxiety, other sedation options may be available. For instance, you may need stronger sedation for wisdom teeth removal, as four will be taken out in total. You can discuss this with your dentist before the treatment. During the extraction, you may feel some pressure, but you should not feel discomfort or pain. The structure will be taken out and the area around it will be cleaned.

The team will give you specific aftercare instructions to take care of your oral cavity. It is normal to feel some sensitivity after this treatment, but if you notice pain or discomfort call your dentist team immediately. Once you have healed from this procedure, replacement options can be discussed. If the tooth removed affects the function or appearance of your smile, a prosthetic option such as an implant or bridge will need to be used. Your dentist can guide you through these options and help you choose the best one for your needs.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

If you need a restoration or other treatment, call Cleveland Family Dentistry at (281) 592-1234 in Texas to schedule an appointment today.