Fast Facts: The Details On Toothaches

The truth about toothaches is, you’re not going to be able to figure anything out on your own. So, rather than stress yourself out and worry, we encourage you to call us, tell us that your tooth hurts, and set up an appointment! You’ll feel so much better once you receive a diagnosis and once we repair the problem. Until then, make your way through some helpful fast facts.


Partial Denture Or Dental Bridge?

What’s the right choice for your smile? Is it best to replace missing teeth with a partial denture? Or, does it turn out that what you should really gravitate toward is a dental bridge? Since both of these prosthetic devices can address types of partial tooth loss, you may find yourself at a bit of a loss when it comes to making that ultimate decision. We know it can cause some confusion at first. Fortunately, though, once you become more educated regarding what you can expect from each, you will have a much easier time landing on a partial or a bridge as your preferred replacement.


3 Rumors You Can Ignore!

There are a lot of rumors out there. In this age of smartphones, the internet, and constant access to an overload of not-necessarily-reliable information, it is easy to become turned around when you’re looking for factual information. The good news is that if it’s about dental care, we can most certainly answer your questions for you! For now, let us clear up some oral health rumors that you absolutely do not have to worry about any longer.


Craze Line Time: Fast Facts!

By now, if you have been trying to figure out what on earth you’re seeing in your enamel, you might know that your teeth have craze lines. This is something you can figure out pretty quickly, thanks to our world full of resources and quick answers! However, that doesn’t mean that you know exactly what’s going on, that you’re sure you know what you’re looking at, or that you have the first idea about how to move forward. Try our fast facts out and you’ll feel much better!


Family Fall Festival

Here comes autumn! Yes, we know, it might not necessarily be all gold, red, and russet hued leaves in Texas (or crisp, chilly weather). However, once you step foot into the Family Fall Festival, you will be transported into a fall-focused world in which you enjoy all of the cozy details you love. You might even forget it’s still in the 80s outside! Get ready … it’s almost here.


Children And Toothpaste: Helpful Reminders

Good news! When you’re trying very hard to promote excellent oral health habits for your kids but you’re finding that you’re out of tips, we are here to help. From choosing the best products that make your kids smile to using the right amount of toothpaste, we are more than happy to offer helpful reminders that will make dental hygiene a breeze instead of a struggle.


Why Aren’t You Coming In For Checkups?

Are you scheduling and showing up for dental checkups on the dot every single time? Or, are you not remaining consistent with scheduling, sometimes you forget, or you have other reasons for avoiding your essential preventive care visits with us? We know that if we’re not seeing your lovely smile twice a year, there might be something we can help you with in regard to motivation or simply addressing obstacles. Let us know what you need, so we may assist you in protecting your oral health! For now, we’ve got a couple suggestions.


Why Sleep Apnea Isn’t Fair To Your Partner

If you’re sort of thinking about coming in to talk with us about whether you need sleep apnea treatment … and you have a partner … now might be the time. While it’s always important to do something about sleep apnea because it can have serious effects (negative ones) on your health, things become more complex when you bring another person into the mix. Learn more about how treatment just might be very important to your relationship.


Cold-Weather Illnesses: 3 Suggestions

Along with the ever-welcome cooler, friendlier temperatures, and festive celebrations that come with the change of the seasons into autumn and winter come something less lovely: Illnesses that can keep you down for the count for days on end! From the flu to the common cold and then some, there are some not-so-nice germs that make an appearance once sweater weather rolls around. To ensure your smile health isn’t getting caught up in this frustrating detail, we’ve got a few helpful suggestions.
