Small Business Workshop

Are you thinking about going for it and starting the business you’ve always dreamed about? Perhaps you are already a small business owner and are always on the lookout for resources to help you make your business better. Good news: You’re invited to the upcoming Small Business Workshop in town, which will provide you with topics, discussions, new information, and insight into how to make your business better.


Denture Doesn’t Fit? Consider These 3 Things.

Did you wake up one morning, place your denture into your mouth, then realize that something just doesn’t feel the same? When your full denture no longer feels like it’s sitting or functioning as it usually does, it probably does not fit. Is it something you did, you wonder? Is something wrong specifically with the denture itself? Well, it could be the result of multiple things. Of course, this means that you just might need a little help from our practice. Learn more by thinking through three simple things to consider.


Tongue Piercings: Fast Facts You’ll Need

Do you think that a tongue ring is in your future? Probably sooner than later? If you have not yet headed out to receive this oral accessory, then perhaps there is something holding you back. Or, maybe you just need some more information. We would love to help you out by filling you in with the assistance of fast facts. Get some answers regarding what we, dental professionals, think about this plan for your smile and oral health and you will be able to move on with an educated approach.


How To Avoid Brushing Too Hard

If you always thought that harder brushing would yield better results, it’s time to throw that belief out the window! The truth is that, though it might seem hard brushing should be beneficial, it can cause all sorts of problems for you (such as gum recession, eroded dental tissue, etc.). So, what to do now that you’ve been brushing quite aggressively for years and we’re instructing you to brush very gently during your dental hygiene? Not to worry: Our recommendations will make it an easy transition.


Smile Disorders Quiz: What’s What?

As you have likely noticed over the course of your experience as a dental patient, a variety of smile disorders exist. Hopefully, you will never find yourself face to face with a single one of them! However, if you do, rest assured that we offer comprehensive dental care to restore your oral health. As for the types of issues that can occur, you may wonder where they come from and if you can brush and floss to prevent nearly any problem with dental hygiene. Great news: Our quiz will set the record straight.


Aging Smiles: 3 Things To Remember

As your smile ages, you might begin relying on some assumptions that aren’t necessarily accurate (and that, as a result, may yield some avoidable side effects). To make sure you don’t fall into this trap, we encourage you to take some facts to heart as they apply to everyone’s smiles, even those that have some additional “miles” on them! Keep in mind that excellent care can provide you with a smile that stays healthy for the duration of your life and your dental care experience will feel much easier.


Your Sweet Tooth: A Helpful Quiz

Never met a pie you didn’t like? Or candy bar? Or ice cream flavor? If so, you might be someone with a serious sweet tooth! Since this may not bode well for your oral health, we think you might be interested in some helpful information regarding what you can do, what you shouldn’t do, and how to keep your smile safe as can be. Think you’ve already got it covered? Let’s find out with a sweet little quiz!


Quiz: All About Molar Care

Do you know whether or not your smile requires special molar care? Are you certain about how to optimize your dental hygiene to ensure your entire smile is remaining as healthy as possible? To see where you stand on your current knowledge of daily care as it relates to your molars (and your entire smile), we think a quiz will help offer any clarity you may be seeking.
