Important Things to Know About Crooked Teeth

Many people reach adulthood without ever needing braces to straighten crooked teeth in their childhood. Once they do, it can seem like the worries of ever needing braces are no longer a concern. However, even if they’ve never experienced tooth misalignment before, many adult teeth can shift or be forced out of their proper alignment after they’ve already fully developed. When this occurs, the need to correct their tooth alignment can be a surprised to some patients. It can also be essential to helping them maintain their long-term oral health, which is why we offer discreet and comfortable solutions, such as clear aligners, to help make straightening crooked teeth more convenient. (more…)

What Does Sleep Apnea Do to Your Sleep Pattern?

If you’ve never heard of sleep apnea, then you might be surprised to learn that you have it, and that it may be the cause of several things you thought were inexplainable. Both the consequences of sleep apnea and the fact that it often goes unnoticed are often due to the fact that it isn’t obvious to you as you sleep. Today, we examine what sleep apnea does to your sleep and breathing patterns, and why addressing it as soon as possible could have a greater impact on your wellbeing than you realize at first. (more…)

Things You Can Thank Your Teeth-Grinding Habit For

Grinding your teeth every day isn’t something that everyone experiences, and when it occurs, it’s often a sign of a much more serious underlying oral health concern. Also known as bruxism, habitual teeth-grinding can be caused by one or several other factors, and when it isn’t addressed promptly, it can also cause several subsequent conditions with your teeth and oral health. Today, we take a look at a few of the things you may be able to attribute to your teeth-grinding habit, and why it’s important to treat it as soon as possible to avoid them. (more…)

Important Notes About Better Dental Hygiene

Good dental hygiene seems like common sense in many ways. Even people who aren’t particularly careful with keeping their smiles healthy agree that it’s important to brush and floss their teeth at least twice a day. However, there’s more to keeping your smile healthy than just spending a few minutes at the bathroom sink every day. Today, we examine a few important notes about better dental hygiene, and how it affects more of your daily routine than you might expect at first. (more…)

Successfully Restoring Your Smile After Tooth Loss

Dealing with tooth loss isn’t like dealing with other concerns with your tooth structure. If a tooth is damaged or develops a cavity, then the goal of treating it is to restore the tooth’s strength and integrity so that you can protect and preserve it better. However, if the tooth is lost or extracted, the goal of your treatment is to preserve the rest of your health and bite function by replacing tooth and it’s many vital functions. Today, we examine why tooth loss could mean more than you realize, and why successfully restoring your smile requires the right custom dental prosthesis. (more…)

Conditions that Might Be Addressed with Tooth Extraction

The good thing about modern dental care is that, in most cases, there’s an effective treatment option to address most types of concerns and help you preserve a maximum amount of your healthy tooth structure. Whether your tooth becomes infected with decay or structurally damaged, the right restorative treatment can often effectively restore its health, strength, and inability to function properly. However, there are still some conditions that might require tooth extraction to properly address them, and when it becomes necessary, your oral health could be at a greater risk than you realize. (more…)

When Your Tooth Needs a Dental Crown, and How It Helps

Modern dental treatment is most effective when it can address all of your tooth’s concerns in the most conservative manner. For many people, that means placing a custom-designed, lifelike dental crown over a tooth that’s been damaged, compromised by infection, or requires extensive cosmetic improvement. Today, we examine a few times when a dental crown can provide the quality treatment your tooth needs, and how the right customized restoration can offer the most comprehensive results for your smile and oral health. (more…)

What Invisalign® Can Do Better than Braces

Crooked teeth are often hard to ignore, but improving them doesn’t always seem simple. With traditional orthodontic braces, some older teens and adults may hesitate at having to wear the brackets and wires necessary to straighten their crooked teeth and improve their oral health. One of the greatest advantages of Invisalign® clear aligners is their ability to alleviate many of those concerns and encourage more patients to straighten their crooked teeth without hesitation. However, once you begin wearing Invisalign® aligners, the benefits will continue to help enhance your overall treatment process. (more…)

Why Some Teeth Need Root Canal Treatment

Because it’s the most common concern for healthy, natural teeth, treating tooth decay is a frequent reason for needing restorative dental treatment. The good news, however, is that tooth decay can be successfully treated, and often, with minimally invasive solutions like tooth-colored fillings. However, more serious forms of tooth decay affect more of your tooth’s structure and inner tissues than a tooth filling is able to restore. Today, we examine why some teeth need root canal treatment to save them from decay, and how the treatment may help you save your tooth. (more…)

What Dentists Appreciate About Tooth-Colored Fillings

Because of the way they blend in naturally with a tooth’s structure, tooth-colored fillings are often preferred by people who need to treat a mild or moderate cavity. Unlike more conspicuous metal fillings, tooth-colored ones remain discreet enough to be virtually unnoticeable when you speak and smile. However, your teeth benefit from the more lifelike tooth fillings in more than just their appearance, and your dentist appreciates their ability to more successfully restore your teeth in the long-term. (more…)