Successfully Restoring Your Smile After Tooth Loss

Dealing with tooth loss isn’t like dealing with other concerns with your tooth structure. If a tooth is damaged or develops a cavity, then the goal of treating it is to restore the tooth’s strength and integrity so that you can protect and preserve it better. However, if the tooth is lost or extracted, the goal of your treatment is to preserve the rest of your health and bite function by replacing tooth and it’s many vital functions. Today, we examine why tooth loss could mean more than you realize, and why successfully restoring your smile requires the right custom dental prosthesis.

Understanding the extent of the problem

Most people don’t give their teeth much thought outside of brushing and flossing them every day, unless they notice a problem or have a toothache. However, every healthy, natural tooth along your dental ridges plays an important role in much more than just filling out your smile or tearing up your food so you can swallow it. Your healthy teeth structures are also reliant on each other to properly absorb your bite pressure, and their alignment helps your jaw joints and muscles maintain a consistently even motion when you bite and chew.

What to consider when restoring your smile

These and many other factors are important to consider when it comes to restoring your smile, which is why every dental prosthesis we offer is custom-designed to meet each patient’s unique needs and preferences. For example, depending on the extent of your tooth loss, you might benefit most from a dental bridge, partial denture, or complete denture. Each is made from highly lifelike dental porcelain that closely replicates your healthy, natural tooth structure, and designed to restore the many vital functions that your teeth are responsible for.

Options for replacing your lost teeth

Choosing between a dental bridge or partial/complete denture depends largely on how many teeth you’ve lost. For example, dental bridges are often optimal for replacing a single lost tooth, or multiple teeth that were adjacent to each other. Restoring a smile with missing teeth that aren’t adjacent could require a partial denture, which can span your entire dental ridge to replace teeth wherever necessary. A complete denture is designed to replace all of the teeth on your upper or lower dental ridge, and is recommended in severe cases of tooth loss.

Restore your smile after losing one or more teeth

Tooth loss is a serious issue, but you can successfully restore your smile and avoid serious concerns by choosing the right dental prosthesis. To learn more, call our Cleveland Family Dentistry office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234. We also serve the residents of Kingwood, Conroe, Livingston, and all surrounding communities.