Flossing: 3 Things You’re Getting Very Wrong

There are some things may be getting wrong about flossing. While you may be perfectly on track, if you have any misgivings or you often feel confused about what should be going on with this part of dental hygiene, then we think you might want to think through the role floss plays in your life. Remember, if you need some one-on-one help in this department, we are always absolutely thrilled to see you and to offer up demonstrations, explanations, and more!


Electric Toothbrushes: 4 Reasons To Try One

What’s that? You have never tried an electric toothbrush before? Well, if that’s the case, now is certainly as good a time as any to get going with testing out the waters. Not sure you feel you have a good reason to try one? Feel like you might require some motivation? That part is easy! We can quickly share four reasons it’s most certainly a good decision to change up this part of your dental hygiene practice if you feel interested.


Why Dry Mouth Needs A Solution

If you’re suffering from a pasty feeling mouth then you may need a solution for dry mouth. Not entirely sure? Come on in and talk with us about this symptom. More often than not, a sticky mouth is one that requires more moisture. It could be that you aren’t drinking sufficient H2O throughout the day. It might be a result of certain medications that you’re taking regularly. It could be a lot of things! As for what you should do about it, you should most certainly seek a solution.


Fluoride: Facts You Should Know

We think there are some things you should know about fluoride because we hear an awful lot of misinformation coming from our patients! We hear so much, in fact, that we have come to realize you may be missing out on essential ingredients (such as this one) when you’re practicing your dental hygiene just because you need a quick refresh of factual information. Let’s get started! During your next visit, we’ll be happy to help a bit more.


Dental Hygiene: 3 Places You Might Not Be Cleaning

You might be brushing. You might be flossing, too. However, you might not be cleaning all of the areas of your smile that require attention if you want to keep your smile safe. So, what to do now that you already think you’re covering your bases in an effort to maintain your oral health? Well, take our dental hygiene highlights very seriously, of course, and implement any changes necessary. Easy enough!


Cavity Formation: 2 Things You Might Not Realize

When you’re thinking about the way tooth decay forms in your smile, you might think you’ve got it all down pat. As long as you don’t eat too much candy, you might think to yourself, or over-indulge in sugary sodas, you’ll be just fine! … Right? Not exactly. While sugar does encourage the development of cavities, it doesn’t directly cause it. Here’s what you need to know: Bacteria in plaque (which rests on your teeth) eat sugar particles. They eat carbs, too. As they digest these particles, they put out acids, which soften your enamel. As this goes on, over time, decay begins and you end up with a cavity. Now, for some things you may be getting a bit wrong.


Toothpaste: Questions That Embarrass You A Bit!

We have learned over the years that even very simple questions that we’ve never considered embarrassing can turn even the boldest of our patients into a shy wallflower! If you have a question about dental hygiene products like toothpaste, please remember that we will be happy to answer them. Furthermore, the more you know, the better equipped you are to care for your grin! (more…)

2 Things To Remind Yourself When You’re Feeling Lazy

When you feel lazy and you just don’t think you have the willpower to practice your dental hygiene just this once, remember that one time can easily turn into multiple times very quickly. In addition, missing your brushing or flossing only once often gives plaque the time it needs to become tartar. You don’t want this to happen, of course, because you want to keep your teeth very clean! If you think you need some motivation at the moment, we are pleased to be of service!


Cold-Weather Illnesses: 3 Suggestions

Along with the ever-welcome cooler, friendlier temperatures, and festive celebrations that come with the change of the seasons into autumn and winter come something less lovely: Illnesses that can keep you down for the count for days on end! From the flu to the common cold and then some, there are some not-so-nice germs that make an appearance once sweater weather rolls around. To ensure your smile health isn’t getting caught up in this frustrating detail, we’ve got a few helpful suggestions.


Tips For Your Smile: While You’re On The Job

When you’re on the job, whether that means you’re sitting in front of a classroom, you’re in an office, you’re working outdoors, or you’re in your car most of the day, it generally boils down to the same set of confines: You don’t have immediate access to your home dental hygiene setup, you’re eating what you can grab when you have time, and oral health care isn’t always a breeze. No problem! Our tips can offer some serious help.
