Smile Cleaning: Are You As Thorough As Possible?

When someone asks you how well you care for your smile and if you clean it thoroughly, you may feel fairly confident that you’re doing an outstanding job! However, what if you just think that you’re a super cleanser but you’re missing lots of plaque, many areas of your smile, and as a result you’re opening your smile up to possible damage like decay or gingivitis? We don’t want to worry you! However, we do want you to quickly assess your usual dental hygiene to ensure that you actually are, indeed, doing as thorough a job as possible! Need help? Just let our Cleveland, TX team know.


Simple Reasons You Keep Dropping Your Floss

Yes, it seems like after a lifetime of using dental floss, you would be a pro by now. However, if you’re like many of our patients who use floss on and off, then you may not have reached quite the expert level you’d like to have attained! Part of the reason may have something to do with the challenge of making it through a flossing session that you assume should be easy but that turns into pure frustration. Allow our Cleveland, TX team to help you with this aspect of your dental hygiene. You may be surprised to learn that some very simple hints can often be all you need to become quite the champion!


Simple Facts About Harmful Oral Bacteria

You know that there are all types of bacteria in your mouth. You know, too, that some of them are harmful and that they can lead to problems like cavities and gum disease, which is why we encourage you to practice smile health protection every day with efforts like brushing and flossing. While you may have a general understanding of this “you should really clean your smile” mentality, our Cleveland, TX team thinks some extra information about bacteria and their role may help you feel more motivated about your dental care.


Things That Really Shouldn’t Embarrass You (But Might Anyway)

We know that one of the emotions that may really get to you when what you need is it talk with us … is embarrassment. You might not even be that shy of an individual! However, there’s just something about your dental care that may cause you to clam up when you could really use more information, help, a particular treatment, etc. Since our Cleveland, TX team completely understands this after years of practicing dentistry, we have just one request: Please do your best to feel comfortable asking for anything you need!


3 Things To Remember: About Your Plaque Removal!

We know that the second you start hearing our Cleveland, TX team (or anyone for that matter) talk about plaque removal, you might completely zone out. You’ve heard it before, you know that plaque is bad, and you know you should be brushing and flossing! Of course, you know these things but … do you follow through with the care you need to ensure your smile is super clean? Do you really know why plaque is so bad? If you had a few more details in that dental care knowledge bank of yours, it might actually provide you with the context you need in order to feel just as concerned as we do for your oral health! Ready to learn some new information? Here we go!


Your Toothbrush: Things To Look For As You Choose A Winner!

If you buy any brush that catches your eye as you’re loading up on dental hygiene products, you might be surprised to learn that you could pick a winner … or a bit of a loser! Did you know that there are some specifications to follow as you’re selecting this smile-cleansing tool? If this is news to you but you’re more than happy to follow any recommendations that will make for better oral health, then come along as our Cleveland, TX team gives you some very important insight. Have questions? Don’t hesitate to let us know the next time you have a visit with us!


Flossing Your Smile: Is It Really Something I Have To Do?

You might have lots of grand notions about being such a good brusher and so dedicated to your checkups and cleanings that you figure you probably don’t need to floss. We understand this idea because we hear about it a lot! It’s tempting, of course, particularly when you feel like your smile seems quite healthy and looks good. Here’s the thing, though: You really do need to floss as part of your daily dental hygiene or it will eventually catch up with you in the form of consequences to your oral health. Take our Cleveland, TX team’s explanations to heart!


Does It Seem Like Something Is Coating Your Smile?

Do you feel like something not-so-lovely is covering your teeth? What does it feel like? Does it feel fuzzy, grimy, sticky, or any other adjective that you don’t necessarily want associated with your teeth? We know that this can be quite alarming if you’re used to your teeth feeling smooth. However, this is not an out-the-ordinary thing for us to hear. You have a couple options. You can consider some common causes according to our Cleveland, TX team and see if making a change or two improves matters. Then, of course, you may set up a dental visit with us, so we can help you along with getting your comfy, clean-feeling smile back.


Between-The-Teeth Care: Making It Easy

Are you someone who struggles with keeping the spaces between your teeth nice and clean? Does it drive you just a little bit crazy when you feel like you’ve got food or any type of buildup in there? For some, just once daily flossing, though it’s good enough for your oral health, doesn’t offer the all-day clean sensation that you’re looking for. You may even find you worry that you’re not quite removing everything you could after a round of dental floss. Not to fret! Our Cleveland, TX team is ready to help you out with easy suggestions to make the process simple and your mouth feel nice and clean.


3 Of The Easiest Ways To Limit Sugar

When you decide you’d like to limit sugar in your diet, which can benefit many areas of your life (particularly by helping protect your oral health), you probably feel very excited. However, you are then faced with the actual task of figuring out how to do this. As you will notice, sugar is everywhere and in much greater supply (often free to you!) than you realized, making it seem more and more challenging to get through a day without indulging. Good news: Our team is fully familiar with this dilemma and will be more than happy to run you through some simple details that will make this change a breeze!
