Prevent Tooth Loss with a Deep Cleaning

Cleveland Deep CleaningMost people will experience some form of periodontal disease in their lifetime. But what do you do when the disease progresses into periodontitis? This more aggressive form of gum disease can lead to severe pain and even tooth loss. Deep cleaning procedures are how we arrest the progression of the disease. To prevent and manage the condition, your Cleveland, TX, dentist has a plan for you.


When Do You Need A Deep Cleaning?

cleveland deep cleaning

In our last blog, we explained the value of a checkup, including the dental cleaning portion. But what if you have risk factors or warning signs for gingivitis or gum disease? To restore health to your smile, you may need a scaling and root planing procedure, also known as a deep cleaning. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist will explain what to expect from the procedure.


What If I Need A Deep Cleaning?

You may feel worried when you discover that you need a deep cleaning instead of the traditional cleaning that you usually receive. First, of course, this is new to you, so you aren’t sure what to expect and your mind begins running wild with all sorts of ideas that make you feel ready to bolt, rather than ready to schedule this very important gum health treatment. Of course, we absolutely understand and would love for you to feel confident about doing what’s best for your periodontal health! Take just a moment before you run for the hills to think through the many reasons our Cleveland, TX team offers you to instead feel wonderful about perio care and the fact that it can save your oral health!


Deep Cleanings: Your Perio Care FAQs

So, you need a deep cleaning instead of a traditional cleaning because your gum health is not in peak condition! Not a problem. We provide ultrasonic scaling and root planing! If you are already aware of this particular detail but you have to admit that you don’t really know what any of this means (except that your smile needs extra help due to your gum condition), then our responses to some frequently asked questions might be just what you need!


What’s Involved In A Deep Cleaning?

You’ve heard of a regular cleaning for your smile before (in all hopes) because this is something that we provide for you every six months! It’s a time for patients, from kids on up, to see us for the removal of plaque and tartar that cannot be addressed with brushing and flossing at home. So, then, you wonder, what is a deep cleaning? Is it similar? Well, it is a type of cleaning but it’s much more intensive. It’s for individuals with buildup that’s accumulated beneath the gumline and that has begun to negatively affect one’s gum health, either causing or leading to gingivitis or further stages of gum disease. Find out what you can expect from this beneficial treatment!


Do You Need A Deep Cleaning?

Why Do I Need A Deep Cleaning?Good oral hygiene is the best way to lower your risk for dental problems and complications. Brushing and flossing twice a day is a big part of good oral hygiene. Another big part is regular visits to your dentist’s office for check-ups and cleanings. Your teeth should be professionally cleaned every six months. A hygienist will be able to remove any plaque and tartar build-up that you may not have been able to remove at home. Along with your mouth getting sparkling clean, a professional will better be able to spot any potential problems. When gum disease is caught early, it can be treated with a deep cleaning.  (more…)

Prevent Gum Disease with Dental Cleanings

Cleveland Gum DiseasePeriodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the gums, bones, and other supporting structures around the teeth. It typically begins with inflammation and irritation of the gums (gingivitis) and, if left untreated, can progress to more severe stages. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist discusses this disease and how deep cleanings help restore oral health.
