Why Check Ups and Cleanings are Necessary for Your Oral Health

Image of a beautiful happy young woman sitting in medical dentist center.From the first time you were taught how to brush your teeth to now, it was instilled upon you that if you brushed and flossed routinely, otherwise you could suffer from bacteria, diseases, and more that could result in needing a tooth extracted. While this statement is true, it is also important to note the necessity of attending your bi-annual check-ups and cleanings as well when it comes to your health. At Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, Texas, we prioritize your oral health and want to ensure it is at its best, which is why we want to stress the reasons behind attending those check-ups.


Checkups & Cleanings

Most patients should schedule routine checkups and cleanings twice a year. Each appointment allows one of our hygienists to clean your teeth carefully and thoroughly by removing plaque and tartar buildup that may lead to gum disease, tooth decay, or other dental issues. Your regular appointment also allows us to perform a comprehensive examination of your teeth and oral tissues to determine if further dental treatments are needed.

Ultrasonic Deep Cleaning

Plaque and tartar cling to the teeth on a regular basis. Over time, they can build up and the bacteria can find its way underneath the gums, causing plaque to form on the roots of teeth. Scaling and root planing, also known as deep cleaning, is the process used to remove the excess plaque and tartar from the roots. Doing so helps reduce the risk of developing gum disease. We use ultrasonic scaling technology to help break up the plaque and tartar more quickly and comfortably, when compared to traditional deep cleaning treatments.

Oral Cancer Screening

Dental cleanings are just one part of a routine visit. We also employ advanced imaging technology to conduct thorough and comprehensive examinations of the inside of your oral cavity. This helps us see any signs of gum disease, tooth decay, or other issues that may need treatment. We also conduct an oral cancer screening during your visit and check for lesions, sores, or other abnormalities.

Schedule an Appointment with Us

Routine checkups and cleanings at Cleveland Family Dentistry can help you maintain good oral health. To schedule an appointment, call our office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234. We also proudly serve the residents of Kingwood, New Caney, Conroe, and all surrounding communities.

Your Questions About Dental Cleanings

As you may already know about dental cleanings, there’s something extremely refreshing about them. First, you will literally walk away from our practice with a fresher feeling mouth. Second, of course, you will know your mouth is as clean as it is going to get and that you’ve got a solid foundation for effective care at home. As for those details you’re unsure about (like what exactly we’re doing while you’re lying in our chair), we are happy to provide some quick answers!


Why You Should Replace Lost Teeth

Cleveland, TX, dentist offers tooth replacement options including bridges, implants, and dentures

Missing even a single one of your pearly whites can cause problems for your smile. You may notice a change in your ability to chew certain foods or a change in your speech. These problems are frustrating, and even more issues can arise if tooth loss is left untreated for prolonged periods. Cleveland Family Dentistry in Texas offers several replacement options, from bridges to dental implants that can restore the appearance and function of your smile. Today, we’re here to discuss why you should treat tooth loss and what methods are available.
