Your Smile: Stop Feeling Guilty And Instead…

It’s very easy to find yourself feeling guilty about your smile when things don’t go exactly as you’d like for them to go. It’s also very easy to give into those feelings of guilty and to end up wallowing in them, instead of heading toward the other (very positive) end of the spectrum. While this emotion can help you take a clear look at things that you may not be doing quite right, we remind you that it’s best not to let guilt overtake you! Instead, you should harness all of that intensity you’re experiencing and turn it into something beneficial for your oral health! Find out what our Cleveland, TX team is referring to and your smile will be even better as a result!


Dental Fillings: What Happens Once You Get Home?

You may have a pretty good idea about what you can expect from a dental filling during the procedure itself. You have heard over and over that it’s completely comfortable, that we are gentle, and you know from talking with friends that since you’ll be numb, it will be a surprisingly easy experience. However, you’re left with one head-scratcher of a topic: What happens once you get home after your filling? Will life go back to normal? Will you feel okay? Allow us to shed some light on your restorative care aftermath, so you feel good about everything!


Things To Change Once You Get A Cavity

Once you get a cavity, you may think of it as “the final straw.” You know that you haven’t been taking the very best care of your smile, so now that you have tooth decay and you will need to see us for a dental filling, you’re ready to change your ways! Only, you might not be entirely sure where to begin. You know brushing and flossing are essential but what else? Not to worry, our Cleveland, TX team happens to be quite experienced in the ways of improving one’s smile care, so sit back, relax, and enjoy a quick tour of some things you should probably make better in your usual routine!


Questions To Ask If Fillings Make You Nervous

If you’ve had a filling before at a different practice, if this is going to be your very first dental filling, etc., for some, this treatment leads to the sensation of a stomach full of butterflies! Of course, from our Cleveland, TX team’s perspective, we can very quickly respond to you by saying that there’s nothing to feel nervous about! It’s quick, it’s going to be comfortable, and it’s so important to address decay! However, our empathetic nature causes us instead to reply by reminding you to ask us questions, bring up worries, and to remember: We are on your side, so let us help you feel so much better about your care!


How To Make Tooth Decay Go Away (For Good)

Tooth decay is no joke, no laughing matter, and no fun. Instead, it can cause toothaches, it can lead to infection and the destruction of your tooth, and it can develop even when you’re sort-of caring for your smile. So, what’s a well-meaning dental patient to do, you wonder, when you are absolutely ready to say goodbye to your cavities and to keep yourself from every experiencing another one again? That’s easy, of course! Take care of the details with our Cleveland, TX team!


Tooth Loss: Treat It To Avoid More Tooth Loss!

You have already gone through the not-so-lovely experience that we refer to as tooth loss. Of course, the very last thing you might be thinking is that you’d better do something about those missing teeth or else … it could cause tooth loss! How might lost teeth possibly beget more missing teeth, you wonder? Well, while it may sound strange to you, our Cleveland, TX team is here to explain the details (of course, as we promote the exceptionally wise and protective decision to avoid further problems by replacing your missing teeth).


Oh, Boy! You Need A Crown (And A Little Encouragement)!

“Wow,” you think to yourself, “just what I wanted! A dental crown!” We understand how you’re feeling. When you come in for a checkup, whether it’s your routine visit or your tooth has been bothering you, what you really want is for our Cleveland, TX team to tell you how amazingly healthy your smile is! Or, you’d really prefer to learn that you need a filling. However, here you are: You need a crown and you don’t feel too great about it. Even though you realize we can understand where you’re coming from, you probably also recognize that we are full of the helpful encouragement you need to feel much better (potentially even happy, excited, and ready) about being able to save your tooth with a crown. So, let’s get this motivation party started!


What Restoring Your Smile Can Entail

You probably know that our Cleveland, TX practice can help you when your smile isn’t exactly in great shape at the moment, which means you’re a wonderful candidate for help through restorative dental care! It’s always quite reassuring to realize you have a place to go, where you can restore your oral health through comfortable, compassionate care. However, when you don’t actually know what that type of care is going to entail, your initial confidence and motivation may wane just a tad. Not to worry! We can better explain the ways we may go about getting your smile healthy again!


Porcelain Veneers: Aren’t They Just Like Crowns?

When you learn about porcelain veneers but you’ve also heard about porcelain crowns, you can find yourself getting a bit mixed up. Are these the same thing? If they both offer cosmetic improvements to some degree, what makes them different from one another? We know that at the outset as you begin learning about such treatments, they can run together and cause confusion. However, when you learn more about clear similarities and distinctions, you’ll better be able to separate the two, so you know what’s what for your smile. Our Cleveland, TX team is here to get you started!


Your Filling: A Better Christmas Gift Than You Realize!

You might not be too enthusiastic about the idea of gifting yourself a dental filling for the holidays. However, our Cleveland, TX team likes to remind our patients that taking care of tooth decay and getting your smile back in good working order (and back to its previous state of beauty) is often a powerful decision that’s too frequently overlooked. If you’re thinking that the last thing you want to give yourself for the holidays is a dental-related present, think again! You will see why we feel as we do.
