3 Holiday-Fueled Signs It’s Time For Veneers!

Here it comes! Barreling down your calendar and your shopping lists like a freight train, holiday time is steadily headed in our direction. This means so many things. It means you’ve got to kick your shopping and list making into high gear. It means cleaning, cooking, and … what that? Preparing for some serious socializing? Yep. You might be seeing that aunt you only see once a year and you may end up in conversations with co-workers you otherwise never talk with. The result? If you aren’t happy with your smile, you may be feeling nervous. Good news: Porcelain veneers can help!


Cosmetic Care: For Me? For Someone Else?

Who is cosmetic care for, anyway? You may shrug off your hopes for a smile that looks better because you naturally assume (for reasons you have come up with) that it’s not for you. It’s probably just for someone else. If you were to mention this to us, we can say in earnest that it’s not the first time we’ve heard it! It’s also not the first time we have had to say: Cosmetic dentistry is for anyone and everyone who needs assistance with acquiring a prettier grin. Find out what’s got you so uncertain (and why it’s time to come see us).


Same Day Treatments That Are Really Real!

When you hear that you can come in, talk with us about your smile care needs, and then receive a same day treatment, it can sound too good to be true. Are there really treatments that offer this much convenience? Certainly they must not be anything significant, right? Actually, you’ll be surprised by what we can help you achieve. Find out more!


Let’s Talk About: Dental Chips

What you want to see in the mirror is a reflection of a pristine smile. However, if what you’re actually seeing is a smile with one or multiple dental chips, you might not feel too excited about the situation. In addition to hoping for a quick fix for the problem, you likely expand your thinking into wondering why it happened, so it doesn’t happen again! Great news: We can address these concerns, whipping your grin back into beautiful condition and helping you prevent future damage.


Craze Line Time: Fast Facts!

By now, if you have been trying to figure out what on earth you’re seeing in your enamel, you might know that your teeth have craze lines. This is something you can figure out pretty quickly, thanks to our world full of resources and quick answers! However, that doesn’t mean that you know exactly what’s going on, that you’re sure you know what you’re looking at, or that you have the first idea about how to move forward. Try our fast facts out and you’ll feel much better!


Staining Quiz: Yellowing And Cosmetic Care!

If you’re seeing a yellowed smile in the mirror, one that simply seems to have lost its previous shine, or some other form of fading, you’re probably looking at stains. Unfortunately, over time, the foods you eat (and more) can take a toll on your smile, leaving it discolored. The good news? Cosmetic care will solve your problems! As for the little details that you may not feel super confident about at the moment, we will be happy to clear them up for you. Try out our quiz, then schedule a visit.


Bonding And Contouring: Answers To Your Questions

There’s nothing like trying to make sense of dental bonding and contouring to really get your mind going. While it can seem confusing at the beginning, you’ll quickly discover that once you become more familiar with these cosmetic treatments, understanding their similarities and differences will become simple. Not sure what you need but you are certain you need something to make your smile look better? Our Q&A session will get you started (and coming in for a consultation will help you achieve your goals).


A Quick Cosmetic Quiz: Porcelain Veneers

You might know that porcelain veneers can provide you with a wealth of smile advantages. After all, they address not only the shade of your smile but also just about every other esthetic concern that you might have. However, even with this knowledge, you might not really have a clear idea regarding what a veneer actually is, what it’s going to look like, or what you can expect after you’ve got them on your smile. We can help you out! Glance through our quick cosmetic quiz for a little help.


Rumors About Whitening? Forget Them!

Unfortunately, just when you’re getting excited about calling us up to talk about teeth whitening for your smile, you might catch wind of some rumors about this very treatment. While you might hear a lot of beneficial details, you may also hear some negative stuff that can put a major damper on your plans. Before you decide to take this information as fact, we encourage you to talk with us. For now, allow us to dispel some common myths.


Cosmetic Dental Care: FAQs!

We know that as much as you feel interested in cosmetic dental care, you might also be the first to admit you don’t know much about it or how to get started with figuring out what might work for you. To spare you any frustration, we suggest you spend a moment of your time quickly glancing through our FAQs session. You’ll gather up the details you need to get started!
