Re-Focusing Your Attention On Your Smile Care

Do you find that somehow, your dental hygiene routine that you once managed to keep up with has suddenly become somewhat of an afterthought? Perhaps it’s something you avoid because trying to focus your attention is just too difficult. Whatever the case, since you know caring for teeth and gums with the very simple suggested daily flossing and brushing we suggest is of the utmost significance, you’re likely hoping for a magical solution. Good news: Without the need for any magical fairy dust whatsoever, we’ve got some simple tips that will get you back in action with exceptional oral health protection.


Is It True? 3 Questions And Answers About Common Decay Uncertainty

You might hear rumors about tooth decay that you cannot quite feel good about. Part of you wants to dismiss what you hear. Another part of you wonders, “Is there any truth to this?” Fortunately, you don’t have to do any digging to get to the bottom of these conundrums. Instead, getting the factual response you want is as easy as bringing these questions to our attention! We will quickly either confirm or dispel them for you. Ready to get started? Let’s do it!


Let’s Review: All About Cleaning Your Tongue

You don’t know if you should clean your tongue or not. Perhaps you’ve polled friends and family members, assuming you’re going to end up with an overwhelming vote one way or the other but, alas, everyone else is just as uncertain as you are! What to do? Well, to begin, start with this one fact: Yes, you need to clean your tongue as part of daily, effective dental hygiene. Now, for the details you need in order to feel good about this (and to do it well), we’re here to help.


Q&A: Why Is Sugar Bad For Teeth?

You may have a hard time understanding what makes sugar so bad for your teeth when you really sit down and think about it. Does sugar instantly make a cavity form, you wonder, and why? How is it possible that something so delicious causes decay? Why is it that you can eat sugar, visit us for checkups, and sometimes you may have a cavity but sometimes you will not? We are here to give you the additional facts you need to understand the connection between sweets and oral health problems, so you can more easily keep your teeth protected.


What To Do About Bad Breath

“Great,” you think to yourself. “This bad breath is still here.” Maybe you’ve added a mouth wash to your routine, hoping it would fix the problem, but it only masks it for a few hours. Perhaps you thought it would just go away on its own or that you’d just ended up with one bad case of morning breath. If you think you’ve hit a wall and may suffer from unkindly breath for the rest of your years, we remind you: We can always help! For right now, try out some very common fixes.


What’s Involved In A Deep Cleaning?

You’ve heard of a regular cleaning for your smile before (in all hopes) because this is something that we provide for you every six months! It’s a time for patients, from kids on up, to see us for the removal of plaque and tartar that cannot be addressed with brushing and flossing at home. So, then, you wonder, what is a deep cleaning? Is it similar? Well, it is a type of cleaning but it’s much more intensive. It’s for individuals with buildup that’s accumulated beneath the gumline and that has begun to negatively affect one’s gum health, either causing or leading to gingivitis or further stages of gum disease. Find out what you can expect from this beneficial treatment!


Restorative Care: How To Avoid Needing It

Don’t get us wrong, restorative care is exceptional when you need it. Sometimes, things happen and you require a repair, even if you’re someone who takes excellent care of your smile. However, a good portion of the time, we see patients for fillings, crowns, and more as the result of issues that were entirely preventable. If you’re interested in finding out more about what you should be doing to protect your oral tissues at home, so you can see us for preventive cleanings and checkups without having to worry about restorations, then we can most certainly steer you in the right direction.


Brushing And Flossing: Are You Doing It The Right Way?

If you are brushing and flossing daily, then you are headed in the right direction when it comes to practicing effective dental hygiene. However, as you may already have realized, these aspects of your oral health protection will only provide you with the results you need if you are doing them correctly! How to know for sure? You can always ask us, of course! For now, let’s start you out with some essential knowledge.


Quick Talk: Dental Sealant Basics

You probably have a firm understanding at this point that dental sealants provide benefits for your children’s oral health. This is all well and good and sounds fantastic, of course. However, as a patient, what you really want and need is to understand what sealants will entail, why your child needs them, and what to expect! We would be pleased to walk you through the basics. Remember, if you have any additional questions, please bring them up the next time we see you (or you and your child) for dental care!


Oral Health: Hand Tips For Winter!

Wait a second, you may be thinking to yourself. Why on earth are we talking about your hands when we are helping you protect your oral health? Well, because you might overlook the fact that your hands are highly involved in protecting your teeth and gums. As a result, when winter hits, you may find yourself feeling frustrated and uncomfortable (two things we can help you avoid with some easy tips!).
