Three Signs You May Need A Root Canal

Cleveland, TX, dentist offers root canals to restore tooth after infection

When you have tooth decay, this can be treated with a filling. However, if you do not get this taken care of, it can lead to a severe cavity or infection. Cleveland Family Dentistry can restore the tooth at this stage with root canal treatment. In today’s blog, we will be discussing signs that may indicate that you have severe decay.

Persistent Sensitivity And Pain

If you have a sudden onset of a toothache that does not go away for an extended time, the area may be infected. In some cases, this may be due to bruxism. The constant grinding or clenching of your teeth can cause the area to be sensitive. At your next appointment, you can bring your concerns up to your dentist. They can examine the problem and create a diagnosis. If the tooth pain is related to bruxism, your dentist can create an oral appliance to treat the problem. If the pain or sensitivity lingers when you eat certain foods, you have a cavity. Your dentist will help determine if a filling or root canal is necessary.

The Tooth Is Discolored

A root canal is necessary when the pulp of your tool has become infected. One sign of this is if the area becomes discolored. In some cases, your pearly white may turn into a yellow tint over time if you consume a lot of dark-colored beverages. This can easily be fixed with professional teeth whitening. However, dental trauma or severe decay can cause the area to be black or gray.

Your Gums Are Swollen

Swollen gingival tissue may have several causes. Periodontal disease, trauma, and cavities could all be contributing factors to this. If you have gum disease, you may also be experiencing chronic bad breath or your teeth feeling loose. Deep cleanings can help manage these symptoms. If you have injured a tooth, the area may become inflamed or swollen temporarily but can go away. In the case of severe cavities, swollen gums in combination with discoloration and sensitivity mean that the area is infected, and you will need root canal treatment to recover the tooth.

During a root canal, the infected part of the pulp will be removed. This area contains blood vessels, tissues, and nerves, which is why damage to this area can cause discomfort. Then, the area will be filled, and a crown may be placed on top for extra protection. The alternative solution for a root canal would be to have it extracted instead to help relieve pain.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should see your dentist right away. To schedule an appointment at Cleveland Family Dentistry in Texas, call us at (281) 592-1234