What’s the Point of Extracting a Tooth?

Restoring a tooth can sometimes seem complicated. If the tooth is severely fractured or broken, or if it’s in the grips of severe internal tooth decay, then it might seem like simply removing the tooth from the equation would be the easiest way to save your smile. However, that isn’t always the case, and typically, the goal of your dental treatment is to help you preserve as much healthy, natural tooth structure as possible. The point of tooth extraction is to remove a tooth that’s so severely compromised that it can’t be saved, before it has a chance to cause more harm to your oral health. (more…)

Is a Crown Your Tooth’s Best Option?

Restoring your tooth can mean a lot of different things, depending on what kind of concern you have with your tooth structure. For many people, however, it means addressing significant damage or harm to the tooth, and the right restoration is often a custom-designed dental crown that can restore all of the tooth’s structure. With a custom dental crown, your tooth can recover from most levels of damage and regain its health and integrity. However, preparing your tooth for a dental crown can be an involved process, and in some cases, your tooth may benefit from a more conservative restoration. (more…)

What Happens When a Tooth Decays?

Some dental concerns don’t need to be addressed until they develop. For instance, chronic teeth-grinding or other problems with your bite function aren’t typically things you can avoid with routine preventive care. Fortunately, that routine can help you prevent the most common oral health concerns, such as tooth decay and the formation of cavities. Tooth decay results from the excessive buildup of oral bacteria, or plaque, on the surfaces of your teeth, and preventing it is a constant effort to prevent this buildup from getting out of control. Given the potentially damaging nature of the condition, preventing a tooth from decaying is also an essential part of maintaining your healthy, natural smile. (more…)

How Do You Decide if a Tooth Should Be Extracted?

When a tooth exhibits a serious problem, like extensive damage or infection in its natural structure, extracting the tooth can seem simpler than treating and restoring it. Yet, because it results in the loss of all of the tooth’s natural structure, tooth extraction is typically only a good idea if the tooth can’t be saved. Today, we examine how your dentist determines when tooth extraction is the best option for your smile, and a few conditions that might call for it. (more…)

What if Your Tooth Is Severely Damaged?

There are ways to save teeth that experience a wide range of concerns, including severe damage to its structure. In some cases, tooth damage can be a more immediate concern than other common concerns, such as chronic tooth decay, because it can pose an immediate and serious threat the tooth and your oral health if not addressed immediately. In severe cases, this threat could lead to the loss of the tooth or the need for its extraction. However, in many cases, in a severely damaged tooth can be saved with a dental crown or other custom dental restoration. (more…)

Could Root Canal Treatment Cure Your Severe Toothache?

You may know several different ways to relieve a minor toothache with at-home remedies, but most of them have one thing in common – they don’t address the root cause of your tooth’s pain. Therefore, most toothaches require a professional diagnosis and treatment to fully alleviate them and stop them from coming back. In severe cases, tooth pain may be the result of an infection in your tooth, known as tooth decay, that systematically erodes the healthy structure of the tooth. If your toothache and decay are severe enough, then root canal treatment may be the only effective way to address them. (more…)

Why Tooth Fillings (and Cavities) Are So Common

Some oral health concerns develop because non-preventable issues, such as congenital malformations of certain oral structures, or the misalignment of your teeth. Others might seem to be unpreventable because they occur so commonly, but are actually the result of things that could be prevented with consistently good care. Cavities, which are the product of tooth decay, are often the latter kind of issue. Though they may be highly preventable, cavities can occur frequently enough to make them seem almost inevitable. Because of this, tooth fillings designed to treat cavities are just as common, and in many cases, they can help stop a cavity in its tracks and preserve the rest of your tooth’s healthy, natural structure. (more…)

Conditions that Might Be Addressed with Tooth Extraction

The good thing about modern dental care is that, in most cases, there’s an effective treatment option to address most types of concerns and help you preserve a maximum amount of your healthy tooth structure. Whether your tooth becomes infected with decay or structurally damaged, the right restorative treatment can often effectively restore its health, strength, and inability to function properly. However, there are still some conditions that might require tooth extraction to properly address them, and when it becomes necessary, your oral health could be at a greater risk than you realize. (more…)

When Your Tooth Needs a Dental Crown, and How It Helps

Modern dental treatment is most effective when it can address all of your tooth’s concerns in the most conservative manner. For many people, that means placing a custom-designed, lifelike dental crown over a tooth that’s been damaged, compromised by infection, or requires extensive cosmetic improvement. Today, we examine a few times when a dental crown can provide the quality treatment your tooth needs, and how the right customized restoration can offer the most comprehensive results for your smile and oral health. (more…)

Why Some Teeth Need Root Canal Treatment

Because it’s the most common concern for healthy, natural teeth, treating tooth decay is a frequent reason for needing restorative dental treatment. The good news, however, is that tooth decay can be successfully treated, and often, with minimally invasive solutions like tooth-colored fillings. However, more serious forms of tooth decay affect more of your tooth’s structure and inner tissues than a tooth filling is able to restore. Today, we examine why some teeth need root canal treatment to save them from decay, and how the treatment may help you save your tooth. (more…)