Restore Your Tooth After A Cavity With Fillings

Cleveland, TX dentist offers fillings that can restore your teeth Recently, we have discussed several ways your smile can be repaired after harm. Your Cleveland, TX family dentist offers treatments such as crowns that can fix broken teeth, tooth extractions to avoid severe damage, and composite resin fillings that treat cavities and look natural. In today’s blog, we will explain the process of this restoration. Even with good oral hygiene practices, cavities can still occur. It is important to treat them as soon as possible to prevent them from worsening.

Checkups Help Detect Decay

Cavities can often develop without showing many side effects. This is why it is important to see the dentist regularly for a checkup. These visits can help prevent decay and can also find them in earlier stages so they can be treated quickly. During your cleaning, the hygienist will remove plaque buildup that your toothbrush cannot remove. This helps reduce the chances of it turning into tartar and removing your tooth.

After the cleaning, the dentist will examine your smile and look for signs of cavities, gum disease, or other concerns. They may be able to see early signs of decay if an area is more sensitive, has a change in texture, or color. X-rays may also be able to spot a carie as well. If one is found, your dentist will likely recommend that a filling is done to restore the area.

The Restoration Process

Tooth fillings are a fairly simple, minimally invasive procedure. First, the area may be numbed for your comfort. Then, the damaged part of the tooth is gently removed using a drill. The space is then cleaned, and material is added to it. There are several options available for this restoration, but we prefer composite resin due to its lifelike appearance and bonding capability. Other materials, like silver amalgam or gold, can contain potentially harmful metals and stand out against your smile. The composite resin is more suitable for a wide range of patients. Once the resin is added, the area will be polished to create a natural look. After your appointment, avoid eating or drinking anything for about thirty minutes.

Composite Resin Has Many Uses

The resin used for this restoration is versatile. It can also be used to repair small chips and cracks or for cosmetic purposes. If you have blemished teeth that do not respond to whitening, bonding can be done to hide these imperfections. Biocompatible resin is added to the spots, leaving you with a more uniform appearance. This method is beneficial because it is minimally invasive, can be done in a single appointment, and can last for many years with proper care.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

To book an appointment for a restoration or other treatment, call Cleveland Family Dentistry today at (281) 592-1234.