When Was Your Last Checkup?

Cleveland, TX, dentist offers preventive careAs a general rule, you should see your dentist twice a year. If it has been quite a while since your last appointment, do not put this off any longer. The team at your Cleveland, TX, family dentist is here to guide you through your checkup so that you feel at ease. Putting this visit off for too long could result in needing emergency dental work or more extensive restorations in the future, so come in as soon as you are able.

Your Biannual Appointment

Seeing the dentist every six months is recommended so that potential problems can be detected and treated early. The length of time needed between appointments may vary depending on your age, health condition, and oral health status. For instance, if you have periodontal disease, you may need to see your dentist more often for scaling and root planing. These visits can start at a young age and continue on throughout your entire life. A cleaning will be done each visit to help remove plaque buildup and polish your teeth, which helps prevent cavities from forming. The dentist will also examine your smile to look for signs of decay, gum problems, oral cancer, and more.

Checking For Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is an important risk to look out for, especially in adult male patients. Some risk factors that could increase the likelihood of developing this may include frequent tobacco use, heavy consumption of alcohol, and excessive sun exposure. You can help decrease your risk by avoiding these activities and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. During your regular visit, your dentist will look for signs such as sores, patches, or abnormal lumps. If they notice any of these potential problems, they may refer you to an oncologist to have this tested. It is important to scan for this regularly because early detection can increase the chances of treatment and recovery.

Discussing Other Concerns With Your Dentist

You can use these visits as an opportunity to discuss other issues with your dentist as well. For instance, if you frequently grind your teeth, you may be able to bring up this concern with your team. They can go over your symptoms and look at your oral cavity to assess the problem. Then, a helpful treatment plan can be discussed to help stop this problem.

If your team notices any signs of decay, gum disease, or other concerns, a treatment plan can be put into place to restore your smile. To treat tooth decay, your dentist may recommend that you get the tooth filled. Gum disease may require several deep cleanings to reach a manageable state. You can also discuss ways to improve the appearance of your smile through cosmetic dentistry with your team.

Schedule Your Visit Today

You can call Cleveland Family Dentistry in TX today at 281-592-1234 to book your next cleaning and examination.