Restorations Can Save Your Smile

Cleveland, TX, dentist offers restorations Twice a year, you should visit your dentist for a cleaning and examination. These checkups offer helpful prevention to avoid serious dental problems in the future. Occasionally, you may need extra treatments to restore your smile to its original health. Your Cleveland, TX, family dentistry can help you by providing restorations such as fillings, crowns, and more.

Fillings For Cavities

One of the most common issues that patients face is dental decay. Nearly all patients will have a cavity at least once in their life. While this is a prevalent problem, it is important to address it as soon as possible. During your biannual checkup, your dentist may notice a cavity during your cleaning or examination. You may also notice signs such as sensitivity to the area or a change in the texture of your tooth. To repair one of your pearly whites after a cavity, you will need a filling. The decayed part of the tooth will be removed, and cleaned, and material will be added to protect it. In our office, we use a biocompatible material that blends in with your smile.

When You Need A Root Canal

In some circumstances, decay may be too severe to repair with a filling. If you begin to experience a sudden and persistent toothache or swelling in the area, it may be a sign that the cavity has entered the pulp. To relieve pain and save your tooth, a root canal treatment can be done. During this procedure, the dentist will remove the damaged pulp, fill the area, and seal it with a crown for added protection. The pulp is in the center of your dental structure, and damage can cause discomfort.

Crowns are another restoration available to patients. These are tooth-shaped caps that cover the top part of the structure. They may be used in several circumstances, such as after an injury or have had a root canal done.

Removing A Damaged Tooth

Usually, extracting one of your pearly whites is a last resort. This may be necessary if it is extremely damaged, cannot be restored, or has the potential to harm your other teeth. Your third molars, also known as wisdom teeth, are often removed before they can disrupt your smile. You may be able to notice when your wisdom teeth are growing because the area can become sensitive. During an extraction, the area will be numbed for your comfort. Then, the structure will be gently removed, and the area will be cleaned. Gauze may be applied to keep the area clean. Your dentist will give you instructions during your recovery.

Talk To Your Dentist Today

If you have harmed a tooth, these restorations may be able to repair the injury. To schedule your checkup, call Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, today at 281.592.1234