Chronic Headaches Could Be Due To TMJ

Cleveland, TX ,dentist offers tmj treatment

Do you wake up with headaches often? Do you ever hear a popping noise when you adjust your jaw? If so, you may have temporomandibular joint disorder (also known as TMJ or TMD). While this condition may not be immediately life-threatening, it can be uncomfortable and annoying. Your Cleveland, TX, dental team has a non-surgical way to help alleviate your symptoms. This can improve your physical, mental, and dental health.

What Causes TMD

Unfortunately, there are many factors that can cause this disorder. A jaw injury, arthritis, genetics, bruxism, and other problems may lead to the development of TMJ. With this condition, your temporomandibular joints may not slide together correctly. This can cause an excessive amount of pressure to be placed on your jaw, which can cause discomfort over time.

Bruxism and Other Side Effects Of TMD

The symptoms of this disorder can range from headaches to difficulty opening and closing your mouth. Because these joints are the key function in your ability to chew and speak, the pain caused by the dysfunction can cause several problems. Frequent pain can cause an increase in irritability, anxiety, and even depression. You may notice that you do not get good quality sleep either.

Patients with TMJ may also have bruxism as well. This is a condition in which you chronically grind your teeth, usually in your sleep, without knowing it. Over time, this can wear down your enamel. This will make you more susceptible to cavities and fractures. Since you are doing this subconsciously, it can be difficult to notice until symptoms arise.

How To Treat TMD

To manage your symptoms, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers. This can help reduce the effect of headaches. Physical therapy may also help you stretch your jaw and stop the habit of tooth grinding. In addition to these solutions, you can also wear a custom sleep appliance. This is a guard worn while you sleep that keeps your joints in place. You can buy a generic version at a store, but a custom one will help target your needs.

To get your oral appliance, schedule an appointment with your dentist. At this visit, you can mention your concerns about your TMJ. They will examine your smile and assess what the best option may be for you. Along with creating a nightguard for you, restorative treatments may also be available to repair any teeth that may have been damaged from TMJ or bruxism. If you have worn down teeth due to bruxism, your dentist may suggest placing a crown to keep your tooth healthy.

Talk To Your Dentist Today About An Oral Appliance

If you frequently suffer from headaches, earaches, or tooth pain, you may have TMJ. To schedule an appointment for treatment, call Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234.