When Does A Smile Need Root Canal Treatment?

cleveland root canal

A filling is what we use to treat a case of tooth decay, offering relief from painful symptoms. But if a tooth has developed an infection, then a filling may not be enough. Instead, you may need a safe and comfortable endodontic procedure known as root canal therapy. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist talks about how we perform a root canal.

The Causes and Symptoms of an Infected Tooth

What causes a tooth to become infected? Essentially, this means that bacteria have made contact with the bundle of living tissues at the center of your tooth. The pulp keeps your tooth functional and healthy, so the onset of an infection could mean discomfort and even the loss of your tooth. This could be caused by untreated cavities that grow and spread, or due to a fracture or breakage that exposes the sensitive inner portions. Warning signs vary, but often include tooth sensitivity, toothaches, pain when you chew or bite down, swelling near the tooth, and also a discharge from it. You could also experience headaches and jaw pain. If this occurs, then let us know right away so we can examine your smile and see if you need treatment.

Administering Root Canal Treatment

Should our team discover an infection in your tooth, we will perform an endodontic treatment to address the issue and preserve your smile. First, we will administer a local anesthetic and sedation to help you enter a calm and relaxed state, so you’re comfortable throughout the process. We then open the tooth to remove all infected tissues from within the tooth and root canals. Next, we thoroughly clean the interior of the tooth and add a special filling. We will cap the tooth with a crown too, which protects it from injury, decay, or infection.

Taking Steps to Avoid Future Infections

If you want to help avoid the onset of cavities, then we recommend taking time each day to brush and floss your teeth, which removes the stray food particles that feed bacteria and lead to cavities. You also help by cutting back on sugary and starchy foods, which feed the bacteria. A visit every six months is essential too, so we can keep an eye out for early symptoms, and also remove the harmful plaque and tartar that weakens outer enamel.

Do You Have Questions About Our Endodontic Treatments?

Our team is ready to start the process of treating your infected or abscessed tooth. If you would like to talk about keeping your smile healthy and whole, then schedule a consultation today by contacting Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, at (281) 592-1234. You can also find our practice at 205 E. Houston St. Cleveland, TX 77327.