Why a Tooth Might Crack, and How to Avoid It

There are highly specific reasons why some oral health concerns develop. For example, a cavity forms in your tooth because the enamel around it grows weak when it’s overwhelmed by oral bacteria. Gingivitis, the first phase of gum disease, develops in a similar manner, though the bacteria that cause tend to accumulate on your gum line, instead. However, when your tooth becomes cracked, or fractured, there isn’t always a single definitive factor. It can occur for a wide range of potential reasons, and fixing the crack in your tooth could also require addressing an ongoing problem with your oral health and/or tooth structure.

It’s being put under too much pressure

Excessive pressure is one of the more frequent ways for a tooth to crack or break. This can come in the form of accidental trauma to the face or mouth, which fractures the tooth’s main crown structure. Or, it may be a more prolonged threat, such as habitual teeth-grinding (or bruxism), that puts excessive pressure on your teeth over time. The problem is that your healthy, natural teeth are only designed to withstand a certain amount of pressure without developing damage. This amount is immense, as your bite naturally exerts a tremendous amount of force. However, your teeth aren’t indestructible, and too much pressure can lead to significant tooth damage.

It’s grown weaker than you realized

Your teeth are strongest when their healthy, including the highly mineralized enamel that surrounds and protects their crown structures. When your teeth aren’t at their healthiest, they can also become structurally weaker, which makes them more prone to developing cracks and fractures even under typical amounts of bite pressure. The weakening of your tooth can result from a number of different factors, such as the enamel surrounding it becoming weak under attacks from oral bacteria. The most effective way to keep your teeth strong is to keep them consistently clean and healthy with good dental hygiene and preventive dental care practices.

It’s decaying from the inside

When a tooth is attacked from bacteria on the outside, it can gradually grow weaker as its protective enamel erodes away. However, once a tooth starts to decay, a condition caused by oral bacteria infection, the structural integrity of the tooth can be diminished much more rapidly. In addition to the infection in the tooth, the structure might also crack, wear down, or become broken. The damage will become even more severe the longer the tooth’s infection remains untreated.

Learn how we can fix your cracked tooth

If your tooth cracks, then learn how we can restore the tooth and address the problem that caused it, if necessary. To learn more, call our Cleveland Family Dentistry office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234.