The Benefits Of Invisalign

Cleveland, TX Family Dentistry offers Invisalign

When it comes to straightening your teeth, there are many options. You can go the traditional route of braces, or if you want something less visible, you can opt for clear retainers. Adjusting your smile has many benefits, and there are advantages to both options. Today, your Cleveland Family Dentistry is here to explain why Invisalign is a great choice.

Invisalign Offers A Discreet Option

One of the main reasons that people choose this option is its discreetness. While braces are a great option, the colorful bands and metal brackets are not always the most visually appealing. Especially for older teenagers or adults looking to even their smile, these clear aligners are a great option. If you have been putting off orthodontic treatment due to worry about appearance, you do not have to worry anymore.

The retainers are made of clear, medical-grade plastic. Instead of having brackets bonded to each tooth and slowly adjusted, you will have sets of retainers to change every few weeks. Gradually, this will move your teeth into proper placement. This treatment offers the same result as braces without the hassle that comes with them.

Invisalign May Be More Comfortable

Patients who wear braces notice that the wires and brackets may irritate the gum and teeth occasionally. It can also be more difficult to eat some of your favorite foods. You may have to give up snacks like popcorn, hard candy, and nuts.

When you use clear aligners instead, you can take the retainers out when you eat or drink. This allows you to be more comfortable when eating and drinking. You will not have to worry about particles getting stuck in between your brackets or soreness from getting wires tightened, as you would with braces. Traditional braces also require an orthodontist visit every six to eight weeks. When choosing the clear alternative, you will be in control of your treatment, meaning less trips to the dentist.

A Straighter Smile Has Many Benefits

Having a crooked or uneven smile can lead to lower confidence and many other problems. If you are beginning orthodontics as an adult, it may seem embarrassing to wear braces. Invisalign allows you to achieve an even smile without others knowing.

A properly aligned smile leads to higher levels of confidence, an easier time caring for your smile, and can improve your speech as well. Having straight teeth can make your oral care routine easier, which can decrease the chances of developing cavities, gum disease, and other problems.

See If Invisalign Is Right For You

Find out if you are a good candidate for Invisalign by scheduling an appointment at Cleveland Family Dentistry, call our office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234