Your Options For Dental Prosthetics


Cleveland Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, offers a variety of prosthetics for your missing teeth

Losing a tooth as an adult can cause more than a lack of confidence in your smile. It can also cause problems in your speech, chewing, and weakening the structure of your jaw. This could lead to other teeth becoming loose and falling out over time. At Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, we offer several methods to fill in your smile’s gaps. In today’s blog, we are here to explain the basics of your options so that you can make a well-informed decision for your health.

There Are Several Causes For Tooth Loss

Having a tooth fall out as a child is a normal part of growing up. However, as an adult, this can be cause for concern. There are several ways that can cause tooth loss. You may knock it out due to an accident, injury, or disease. Periodontitis and chronic tooth grinding (bruxism) can cause your teeth to become loose and fall out over time if not addressed.

If this happens to you, it is important to see your dentist as soon as possible. It may feel easier to avoid an appointment due to embarrassment or shame, but your dentist can improve your smile and quality of life with a prosthetic that suits your needs. Our office offers bridges and dentures with the option of implants depending on your needs.

Dental Bridges For One Or More Teeth

When you have a couple of missing teeth in a row, this could be a helpful solution for you. This solution includes pontics that fill in the gap and crowns that are placed on the supporting teeth. Your new artificial pieces will blend in with the natural color and shape of your smile and stay in place by the surrounding teeth holding it in place. If you need a more secure option, your dentist may be able to use implants to permanently secure the bridge into your jawbone.

Full VS. Partial Dentures

You may already be familiar with dentures. If you have lost a full row of teeth or a large area, a bridge will not be able to fix the problem. We can offer either full or partial dentures that can be removed daily and adhered in place with a gluelike material. This structure will be crafted to fit your smile and can help you chew and speak with more ease. If needed, an implant may be used to secure the dentures in place permanently so that you do not have to worry about removing them.

See Us For A Consultation

Do not delay booking an appointment for your prosthetic placement. During a consultation, your dentist and you can decide on the best option depending on your needs. To schedule an appointment at Cleveland Family Dentistry, call our office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234.