The Advantages Of Dental Implants

cleveland dental implants

While removable dentures and traditional bridges are effective, the use of dental implants to replace teeth or secure a prosthetic can offer a number of advantages. We can help you enjoy tooth replacement that could last decades, sometimes even a lifetime in some cases. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist talks about the advantages of implant dentistry.

The Downsides of Traditional Prosthetics

While traditional prosthetics are effective and can address your tooth loss, they do have some downsides when compared with implant dentistry. While both are held firm with suction, crowns, clasps, or adhesives, they don’t prevent changes to the jaw ridge. Following tooth loss, areas of our smile will lose mass and density, gradually breaking down and requiring your prosthetic to be replaced every 5 to 10 years on average. Removable options need to be taken out for cleaning and soaking too.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants don’t rely on crowns, clasps, or other common methods for staying in place. Instead, we will insert the implant post directly into the jaw. There, they will bond with the bone tissue and act as new roots. This not only means they can last for decades to come, potentially even a lifetime, this also means they can stimulate the growth of jawbone tissue, which prevents the need to remove your prosthetic every few years. You also don’t have to remove them for soaking or cleaning, instead, they can stay in place, acting and looking like natural teeth.

Replacing Missing Teeth

The process of replacing your missing teeth starts with a simple examination, in which we assess the strength of your jawbone to make sure you can support your dental implants. If not, we may simply need to conduct a grafting or sinus lift procedure to ensure there is enough structure to support your new roots. We then guide these posts into place with digital technology, so they sit at the perfect angle to stimulate bone growth and support a crown or prosthetic. After the placement area heals, we will attach abutments to the posts that make connecting a crown or portion of a bridge or denture possible. You now have a full smile, with a prosthetic designed to blend with your smile and allow you to eat your favorite meals again!

If you have any questions about implant dentistry, then contact our team today to learn more.

Speak With Your Cleveland, TX Dentist About Tooth Replacement

At Cleveland Family Dentistry, we want to offer a long-lasting and natural looking  solution to your missing teeth. To schedule an appointment, call our dental office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234. We also proudly serve patients and their families from Kingwood, New Caney, Conroe, Livingston, Huffman, and all surrounding communities.