A Full Smile With Implant-Secured Dentures

cleveland implant dentures

When you suffer from advanced tooth loss, you need a denture to restore function and beauty to your smile again. But for one that lasts for decades to come, and never requires removal for maintenance, you may consider an implant-supported version. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist talks about our implant-secured dentures.

The Dangers of Total Tooth Loss

Losing the majority of your teeth leads to major complications in your day-to-day life. For example, you could be severely limited in your meal options, which also means you’re deprived of essential nutrients. You could have trouble speaking clearly and simply feel embarrassed due to your missing teeth, which impacts your social interactions. As your body suspends the flow of calcium and phosphates to the jaw, your jawbone could weaken. This causes a prematurely aged appearance! But by securing a denture with multiple dental implants, we can help prevent these complications and offer long-lasting tooth replacement.

Creating Dentures That Look Natural

Our team will start by numbing the area around the last few teeth and then extracting them. Once we do, we can take detailed digital x-rays and images to create a 3D impression. We use this to plan the placement of your dental implants, and to also design your custom prosthetic. The finished product will contain a complete row of teeth set in an acrylic base, one that looks like gum tissues. The teeth will be crafted from materials like ceramic, which we can shade to blend for a natural appearance.

Dental Implants

The dental implants are small, screw-like posts made from titanium, which the body will accept as natural root structure. We place these into your jaw at an angle and position that ensures they can support prosthetics and prevent the loss of mass and density in the jaw. Once they’re in place, we will attach abutments to them that extend above the gum line. Finally, we can attach your completed prosthetics to them! You now have a full and beautiful smile, one that looks great and can restore function to your smile again.

If you have lost several of your natural teeth, don’t watch your smile deteriorate, instead talk to our team about dental implant dentures. We can offer fixed options that never slip, look great and last for years to come, decades even!

Speak With Your Cleveland, TX Dentist About Implant Dentures

At Cleveland Family Dentistry, our team wants to help address major tooth loss with a durable and lifelike prosthetic, so you can smile with confidence. To schedule an appointment, call our dental office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234. We also proudly serve patients and their families from Kingwood, New Caney, Conroe, Livingston, Huffman, and all surrounding communities.