Jaw Pain Could Mean You Need TMJ Treatment

cleveland tmj disorderIf you have pain in your jaw, or a headache that occurs frequently, this could be due to strain on your smile! Jaw joint strain is often the cause of TMJ disorder, also referred to as TMD. To avoid discomfort, you need to ease this strain. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist talks about the need for TMJ treatment.

The Causes and Warning Signs of TMJ Disorder

The temporomandibular joints connect your jaw and skull and control the movements needed to eat and speak. But if they undergo excessive strain, this could lead to TMJ disorder and in addition to painful symptoms, you could have trouble fully opening and closing your mouth. Causes could include tooth loss, misalignment, injury to the jaw or face, or issues with the growth of your smile, issues that could lead to bite imbalance. Warning signs include a popping or clicking sensation in the jaw, headaches, migraines, and aches in the neck and shoulders. If you experience one or more of these potential warning signs, please let us know right away.

The Link to Bruxism

Untreated TMJ disorder could also lead to bruxism, and vice versa. Bruxism means you grind and clench your teeth at night, and this could be brought on by the same factors that lead to TMD, as well as a high level of stress in your daily life. Without treatment, bruxism could lead to tooth sensitivity and toothaches as the teeth are worn down or even cracked or chipped. Discomfort can increase with time, and you could risk decay or infection that impacts the stability of your smile! Fortunately, the same treatment that manages TMD could help control bruxism too.

Possible Solutions

When possible, we opt for a comfortable and noninvasive option. An oral appliance will look and fit like a mouthguard, providing a simple solution without surgery. We design them based on detailed digital images we take of your smile from several angles, combined to create a 3D computer impression. We use this in a dental lab to create your appliance. When worn at night, this repositions the smile to ease strain on the joints and prevent worsening TMD-related symptoms. If you grind your teeth, this puts a barrier between the upper and lower sets of teeth to prevent further injury or damage.

If you have any questions about addressing TMJ disorder, then contact our team today to learn more. We can also use your 2022 dental benefits before they expire!

Talk To Your Cleveland, TX Dentist About Avoiding Jaw Pain

We would like to help you smile with comfort and confidence again. For more information about treating the factors behind jaw joint strain and discomfort, then contact your Cleveland, TX, dentist, Dr. Uhrenholdt, by calling (281) 592-1234.