What Is Cosmetic Bonding?


Cleveland, TX, dentist offers cosmetic bonding and contouring services

Your Cleveland, TX, family dentistry offers several ways to improve the appearance of your smile. Options such as professional teeth whitening can help lift stains and brighten your pearly whites, or Invisalign can help address misalignment discreetly. There is even a way to address misshapen teeth or stubborn blemishes with cosmetic bonding. Today, we are here to discuss what this treatment is and how it works.

A Minimally Invasive Way To Enhance Your Grin

Essentially, bonding is another way to address imperfections throughout your smile. It can be used to correct internal blemishes, uneven dental structures, and minor damage in some cases. This may be used as an alternative treatment if your pearly whites do not respond to a bleaching treatment. Composite resin will be added to the areas of concern. This material can easily be bonded to many surfaces and matches the appearance of your natural teeth. As a result, you are left with a more uniform look. A notable benefit of this is that it can often be done in a single appointment.

A Way To Address Jagged Or Overlapping Teeth

Cosmetic bonding can be done on its own or paired with other treatments, such as contouring. This is the process of gently reshaping your tooth to the desired look. Contouring may be beneficial for patients whose dental structures are extremely pointy or overlap with each other. Like bonding, this is a minimally invasive procedure and may be done in just one appointment. Only the necessary amounts of your tooth will be taken off and this process should not cause any discomfort. You may talk to your dentist about sedation options beforehand to increase your comfort levels.

This Option May Benefit Many Patients

Before having any cosmetic work done, you will need an appointment with your dentist to assess your oral health and smile goals. In some cases, your dentist may recommend having restorations done before any visual changes can be made. For instance, if your teeth overlap due to misalignment, they may refer you to an orthodontist first instead of reshaping the structures.

Bonding and contouring can help address a variety of concerns that you may have with your smile. This conservative approach to cosmetic dentistry may be helpful for patients who have intrinsic discoloration, minor surface damage to their teeth, or small gaps between them. We also offer treatments such as professional whitening, veneers, and Invisalign to help patients achieve their appearance goals. You can discuss these options in-depth with your dental team to determine which option is most suitable for your needs.

Learn More About Our Cosmetic Options Today

If you have any questions about these esthetic treatments or would like to schedule an appointment, call Cleveland Family Dentistry today at 281-592-1234.