Time To Straighten Smiles With Invisalign®

cleveland invisalign

If you have misalignment, then you need orthodontics to improve the health and appearance of your smile. In many cases, braces will be used to strengthen smiles. But our team also offers a cosmetic solution! In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist talks about how we straighten smiles with Invisalign® aligners.

Why You Should Correct Misalignment

If you have crooked, crowded, or overlapping teeth, then you have misalignment that could impact the health of your smile. Your poor alignment could make it easier for food and drink particles to become trapped beyond the reach of your toothbrush. This in turn increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. The stress on your jaw joints could also make the onset of TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding) more likely too. You could also feel uncomfortable with your appearance, which leads to negative impacts in your social life and overall quality of life. We can help with a cosmetic solution known as Invisalign®.

Creating Custom Orthodontics

Invisalign® doesn’t need metal brackets and wires to correct your misalignment. Instead, our team can do so with a series of custom and clear aligners. Each one is custom-fitted for your smile to ensure a comfortable fit and treatment with precision. We start by carefully examining your smile and gathering digital images and measurements, which we use in a lab setting to design and craft your aligners from a BPA-free plastic material. Each one will be clear and barely visible too! When they’re ready, you can start treatment.

The Treatment Process

The treatment process is a simple one. You will wear a set of your new orthodontics for about 20 to 22 hours a day on average, over the course of about two weeks. At which point you start wearing the next set in the series and continue the process until you obtain optimal results, which could take as little as one year. The aligners will be easy to clean and store, and you require fewer office visits and have a shorter treatment time too. The aligners can also be removed before you eat, so you don’t have to avoid certain foods or change your diet. Being removable also means better oral health as brushing and flossing is much simpler and more effective too.

If you have any questions about how we treat poor alignment with cosmetic orthodontics, then contact our team today to learn more about Invisalign® clear aligners.

Talk to Our Team About Cosmetic Orthodontics

Our team wants to help you correct your misalignment with clear and comfortable cosmetic orthodontics. Call our dental office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234. We also proudly serve patients and their families from Kingwood, New Caney, Conroe, Livingston, Huffman, and all surrounding communities.