Using Bonding To Improve Smile Beauty

cleveland dental bondingWhen you have minor dental damage, or issues with the shape of your teeth or gaps between them, then you need cosmetic dentistry. With bonding and contouring, our team can tackle multiple cosmetic issues at once! In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist talks about the benefits of bonding and contouring.

When to Seek Treatment

You should see us if you have multiple cosmetic issues that needs treatment, such as stained teeth, misshapen teeth, or even minor damage. Lack of treatment for these issues, particularly for damage, could increase the risk of complications down the road, which could include tooth decay, infection, or even tooth loss. Our team will take a close look at your smile with advanced digital technology, so we can assess the cause and extent of your cosmetic concerns, and recommend the most appropriate treatment. For some, we could transform the smile in one visit with bonding and contouring.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding involves our team using a composite resin material to repair and reshape the tooth. We use the same material in our cavity treatments, as a replacement for metal fillings. The material is durable and can bond with the tooth, and also has the ability to be color matched to blend with your smile seamlessly. Our team will numb your tooth and then remove any decay and clean it. We may also etch the outer surface too. We then apply the composite resin in several layers, and sculpt the tooth as the material cures beneath a light. The last step is to polish the tooth for a brighter appearance.

The bonding procedure can mask the permanent teeth stains that could otherwise resist teeth whitening, and close embarrassing gaps between the teeth. The procedure can repair cracks and chips, lengthen worn down teeth, and correct misshapen structures too. In one visit, we can make major changes!

Dental Contouring

We could also contour the teeth in the same visit. With dental contouring, our team will gently sand and buff the outer structure to correct common cosmetic complaints. With contouring, we can smooth out rough patches, grooves, and pits in the tooth structure. Our team can also correct mahoe or overly large teeth, and dull sharp, jagged, or pointed portions of the tooth. The procedure also corrects the appearance of minor chips. Once we complete the contouring, we will again polish your teeth for a brighter appearance. Both options can transform your smile in only one visit.

Talk to Our Team About Cosmetic Dentistry

Our team wants to offer cosmetic treatment to improve the overall beauty of your smile. Call our dental office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234. We also proudly serve patients and their families from Kingwood, New Caney, Conroe, Livingston, Huffman, and all surrounding communities.