Do You Need Teeth Whitening?

cleveland teeth whitening

If you have stained teeth, then you should consider treatment with teeth whitening. Our professional treatments can brighten smiles by multiple shades, and can help you feel confident in your appearance. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist talks about our professional teeth whitening treatment options.

The Factors Behind Teeth Stains

What causes teeth stains? Factors behind your discoloration could include drinks with dark pigments, such as coffee, red wine, tea, and soda. Foods high in sugar and starch could promote plaque buildup that makes discoloration more apparent too. Discoloration is also linked to poor brushing and flossing habits, and a lack of regular dental cleanings. While the factors vary, our team will conduct an examination to assess the cause and extent of your stains, so we can choose the most appropriate treatment option. Teeth whitening can help you smile with confidence again!

Two Teeth Whitening Options

For fast results, you could try our in-office treatment option. Sinsational Smiles involves the use of a prefilled silicone tray, which covers the teeth in a powerful bleaching gel. We then use a special LED light to activate the gel, breaking up discoloration in as little as 20 minutes. We also send you home with a special pen for touch-ups.

Our team could also tackle more severe staining from the comfort of your own home. We create a set of personalized trays that fit your smile snugly and comfortably. We send these home with you, along with plastic syringes of a powerful bleaching gel. The trays are filled and worn each day for a set amount of time. The total treatment time varies, but usually falls between a week and ten days.

Masking Discoloration

What if you have permanent discoloration, the kind that forms beneath the outer enamel, and the kind that may resist traditional teeth whitening options? In these cases, we may recommend our at-home whitening trays and gel, but for more severe cases we could simply mask the discoloration instantly with either dental bonding or porcelain veneers, or a combination of the two, so you obtain a much brighter smile, in a shorter amount of time. If you have any questions about how our team masks teeth stains or removes them with professional teeth whitening, or about any of our other cosmetic treatment options, then please reach out to our team today to learn more.

Schedule Your Cosmetic Consultation Today!

We want to help you enjoy a bright and beautiful smile with cosmetic dentistry. We can not only remove or mask teeth stains, but address issues with the shape of your teeth, the alignment of your smile, or with gaps between your teeth too. Call our dental office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234. We also proudly serve patients and their families from Kingwood, New Caney, Conroe, Livingston, Huffman, and all surrounding communities.