How to Get a Sparkling White Smile!

cleveland whitening

A dazzling smile says so much about a person! It displays health, confidence, and inner beauty. Don’t let stained teeth tell lies about who you really are!  In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist talks about teeth whitening procedures and how you can show your best self!

Pesky Teeth Stains and Helpful Tips

Are teeth stains holding you back from displaying your full smile? There are so many foods and beverages that can cause these frustrating spots. Green tea, although healthy, can be one of the biggest culprits. So can red wine and coffee! If you choose to enjoy a dark-colored beverage, consider drinking water with it so that you can rinse your mouth every so often. Using an electric toothbrush can help to gently remove stains more effectively than a manual toothbrush. Also, consider a whitening rinse or toothpaste after consuming staining foods or drinks. While these options are helpful, they will not brighten your smile considerably.

The Sinsational Smiles System

The most effective and brilliant way to brighten your teeth is the Sinsational Smile system. We use this effective whitening procedure to brighten your smile in one visit to our office. With this option, our team will provide a pre-filled silicone tray that coats your teeth in a whitening gel. A bright light is then shined onto the teeth to activate the bleaching ingredients. Within as little as 20 minutes your stains begin to disappear. One of the biggest benefits is our team will send you home with a special pen for at-home touch-ups! This way you can enjoy a bright smile all year!

A Second Option for Whitening at Home

If you’d like a more effective way to whiten at home, then we can make your custom whitening trays. These are better than over-the-counter options because although the gel is stronger and more effective, it can cause less sensitivity while creating even better whitening results! The process is quite easy. We take impressions and then create trays that fit your teeth perfectly. This way they don’t slip and slide around like those annoying over-the-counter strips. You will be sent home with your powerful bleaching gel and whiten as you please. Typically, trays are worn for about an hour each day for about 10 days. After this, you should be dazzling, and you can keep the gel and trays for future touch-ups.

What If My Stains Don’t Come Off?

Some stains are intrinsic which means they are deep within the structure of the tooth. These stains can be caused by illness, medications, trauma, or too much fluoride during tooth development. If you would like to have a stunning white smile to your specifications, ask us about our cosmetic options. We have restorative options for complete smile makeovers and would love to make your smile dreams a reality.

Speak With Your Cleveland, TX Dentist About Cosmetic Dentistry

If you have any questions about cosmetic dentistry or our teeth whitening procedures, contact our team today to learn more. At Cleveland Family Dentistry, our team is ready to bring out your inner beauty and confidence. Let us whiten your smile! Contact your Cleveland, TX, dentist, Dr. Stephens, by calling (281) 592-1234.