TMJ Treatment Could Ease Jaw Pain

cleveland tmj treatmentTMJ disorder, sometimes referred to as TMD, is a widespread disorder that causes major discomfort in your jaw and head. The issue develops when there is imbalance in your bite and strain on your jaw joints. Fortunately, your Cleveland, TX, dentist can offer relief with a custom-made oral appliance!

Jaw Pain, Headaches, and Other Common Symptoms

The temporomandibular joints connect your jaw and skull, and are necessary for the movements required to eat and speak. But when they become strained, this could impact how they open and close, and lead to a host of uncomfortable symptoms. TMJ disorder could be brought on by missing teeth, injury to the face, complications with the growth of the smile or the eruption of the teeth, and malocclusion caused by dental misalignment. Untreated bruxism (teeth grinding could be a factor too! Common symptoms include headaches, migraines, jaw and facial pain, and a popping or clicking sensation in your smile.

Diagnosing Your TMJ Dysfunction

When you experience one or more of the symptoms we have discussed above, then let us know right away. Our team will take detailed digital images of your jaw and look for any wear and friction on your teeth. We can provide a diagnosis with precision and accuracy, and gather detailed digital images to be used as part of the treatment process. You can help ease discomfort during this time by placing a warm washcloth on the side of your face, avoiding hard or chewy foods, cutting back on caffeinated products, and lowering stress in your daily life.

Treatment with Oral Appliance Therapy

Treatment will vary. For some, we could correct misalignment with orthodontic aligners, or we could replace missing teeth with a custom dental prosthetic. Our team could use crowns or dental bonding to improve overall bite balance. But the most common treatment option is an oral appliance, which looks and functions like a mouthguard. The device is created based on the images and impressions we take of your smile, and the finished product will look and fit like a mouthguard. The device then repositions the joints to ease strain and stress, so you avoid these symptoms. If you grind your teeth, this also puts a barrier between the upper and lower sets of teeth to prevent further injury.

If you have any questions about TMJ treatment, then contact our team today to learn more.

Speak With Your Cleveland, TX Dentist About TMJ Treatment

At Cleveland Family Dentistry, we’re ready to restore balance and comfort to your smile again. To schedule an appointment, call our dental office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234. We also proudly serve patients and their families from Kingwood, New Caney, Conroe, Livingston, Huffman, and all surrounding communities.