You Need To Floss Every Evening

cleveland flossing

We dedicated our last blog to proper tooth brushing and how this helps protect your smile. In today’s blog, we would like to look something even more important than brushing your teeth. Your Cleveland, TX, dentist wants to explain how to floss properly, and why this could help people of all ages.

Choosing Tape or a Pick

You have a few options out there, so which should you choose? The floss pick is great for kids and adults with limited dexterity, and some people just prefer these. The tape is good for everyone and allows you to thoroughly clean between your teeth. You can also try a water flosser too. Essentially, we’re good with whatever option you choose, just as long as you’re cleaning your smile properly each and every day.

Cleaning Your Teeth

You should take an 18-inch to 20-inch length of tape (or grab a pick). If you’re using tape, wrap each end around one of your thumbs and hold it tight with your index finger.  Then run the tape up and down each side of every tooth, dipping below the gum line in a “c” motion. This helps dislodge particles trapped between the teeth or along the gum line. A toothbrush alone often cannot reach and remove these particles. Adjust your grip on the tape to use a clean portion for each tooth. You should do this every evening, even on holidays and vacations. If you haven’t been flossing, you may notice some sensitivity, but this will pass until you can clean between your teeth without a second thought.

Dental Exams and Cleaning Visits

Removing particles from your teeth helps remove the bits of food and drink that could cause plaque and tartar buildup. But to remove the buildup completely and safeguard your smile, you need to see us for a dental cleaning every six months. We will remove the buildup, and also examine your smile for signs of trouble so we can safeguard your oral health. If you haven’t scheduled one for you or your family lately, please give us a call soon. If you have any questions about how we protect your smile, or how to maintain proper homecare, then contact our team today.

Do You Want to Learn More About Caring For Your Smile?

We would like to help you and your family understand how to protect your smiles from home, and also with six months visits to our office. If you have any questions about avoiding the onset of poor oral health, or if you would like to schedule a consultation today, please contact Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, at (281) 592-1234. You can also find our practice at 205 E. Houston St. Cleveland, TX 77327.