Keeping Smiles Strong With Brushing And Flossing

cleveland brushing your teeth

When you take steps to care for your smile from home, you lower the risk of tooth decay and even gum disease. To help care for your smile, you need to not only brush your teeth, but also floss too. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist explains how to properly clean your teeth each day, and when you should see us for a cleaning.

Brushing Teeth

First, you should make brushing your teeth the first thing you do every morning, and the last thing you do before going to bed each night. When you do, each session should take no less than two minutes. For your toothpaste, instead of focusing on whitening or other factors, look for fluoride. This helps keep your enamel strong! Also, whether you opt for an electric or manual toothbrush, be sure you use soft bristles to prevent inadvertent damage to your outer enamel. Be sure you reach every surface, brushing in circular motions for the front, and approach the sides at a 45-degree angle. This helps scrub away food particles to lower the risk of tooth decay, bad breath, and teeth stains.

Flossing Every Night

While brushing is very important, taking time to floss is critical for not only fighting cavities, but preventing issues like gingivitis and gum disease. Kids often have an easier time with a pick, as it requires less dexterity. Adults can use tape or a water flosser. Essentially, you want to clean in between each tooth, reaching where a toothbrush alone cannot. Take a length of tape about 18 to 20 inches long. Wrap each end around a thumb and hold it tight with your index finger. Run the tape up and down each side of every tooth, and you should dip below the gum line too. This removes trapped particles!

Having Your Teeth Cleaned

These actions help remove food particles and limit the severity of plaque buildup, which is a major factor in the onset of cavities and periodontal disease. However, to remove all plaque completely, you should see us for a cleaning every six months. Using an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool we will remove all plaque and tartar to help keep your smile bright and healthy. If you have any questions about caring for your smile from home, or if you want to schedule a cleaning visit, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Preventive Dentistry?

Our team is ready to help you improve your oral health from home. If you would like to learn more about keeping smiles healthy, or to schedule your consultation, then schedule a consultation today by contacting Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, at (281) 592-1234. You can also find our practice at 205 E. Houston St. Cleveland, TX 77327.