What Are Cavities And How We Treat Them

dental fillingWhen you are suffering from tooth decay, it is essential to act quickly. The sooner your dentist is able to treat it all the better. If left untended, decay can turn into an infection which can be very painful and can even require an extraction if it gets bad enough. Because of this, it is important to know the signs that a cavity or infection might be developing. Additionally, visiting the dentist regularly maximizes the chances of them catching and treating it quickly. In today’s blog,  Cleveland, TX, dentist discusses tooth decay and the ways we treat it. (more…)

Understanding That Extractions Can Help

tooth extractionWe understand that you would like to keep all of your teeth. After all, many of our general oral health efforts — like brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist for checkups — have maintaining a healthy, full smile as the primary motivation. Sometimes, however, removing a tooth is the best possible course of action. When a tooth suffers a lot of damage, for instance, and cannot be saved with restoration, an extraction might be necessary. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist discusses the circumstances that require a tooth extraction and the ways we can fill the gap. (more…)

Easing Discomfort With A Root Canal

Cleveland root canal

When a tooth begins to ache due to a serious cavity, or if a full-fledged infection has formed, then you may need more than a filling. To stop discomfort and improve oral health, we could recommend an endodontic treatment known as a root canal. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist talks about the benefits of a root canal procedure. 


Using CEREC To Place Crowns In One Visit

ceramic dental crowns and veneers. Isolate on black background close-up. Dental laboratoryA dental crown covers your tooth and addresses a variety of cosmetic and restorative issues. While at one time, placement required two to three visits, we can now use a unique CAD/CAM system to create and place them in a single visit! In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist talks about the CEREC system and how you can benefit from a custom crown restoration in virtually no time.


When Does A Smile Need Root Canal Treatment?

cleveland root canal

A filling is what we use to treat a case of tooth decay, offering relief from painful symptoms. But if a tooth has developed an infection, then a filling may not be enough. Instead, you may need a safe and comfortable endodontic procedure known as root canal therapy. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist talks about how we perform a root canal.
