How Your Tooth Got to Needing Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is widely recognized, but it isn’t something that everyone will have to undergo in their lives. The condition that causes the need for it – a tooth infection known as decay – is often noticed, treated, and stopped before it becomes that severe. However, if you do need root canal therapy, then your tooth may be in serious trouble, and you shouldn’t wait any longer to treat it. At our Cleveland, TX, dental office, we can help save your tooth from extreme decay by performing comfortable root canal treatment in our office. (more…)

How Does a Tooth Filling Actually Work?

When it comes to chronic dental health issues, cavities are the most common kind that your smile may face. That’s because they’re caused by oral bacteria that make up the plaque that clings to your teeth every day. Like most people, you may not always be as diligent as you should at keeping your teeth clean of them. At our Cleveland, TX, dental office, we may be able to help you treat your cavity discreetly and conservatively with a tooth-colored filling. (more…)

3 Ways To Brag About Your Root Canal 

Wait a second you might be thinking to yourself … brag about my root canal treatment? Yes, that’s right. In the midst of wondering how you ended up with a damaged tooth that requires intensive restorative care, potentially feeling a bit unsure about the treatment, and more, you may have overlooked this very important factor: You absolutely gain bragging rights, when you follow through with seeing our Cleveland, TX team for this ever-important dental care. Consider just how to go about enjoying a bit of boasting and you’ll feel so much better about your upcoming tooth repair!


Dental Crowns: 4 Very Helpful R-Words! 

Dental crowns are often a restorative care treatment that trips up our patients in terms of what they can expect. On one hand, you may feel extremely concerned about how your tooth and entire smile is going to look after placement. On the other hand, our Cleveland, TX team knows that you may become more and more worried about how long your crown will last and what it will take to keep it safe. With all of that said, we are more than pleased to be able to remind you that it’s very easy to protect, use, and enjoy your crown (and whole smile), once your treatment is completed. What makes us say this, you ask? Consider some R-words to help you out!


Restorative Care: Gain Motivation By Reflecting On Time

As you well know, when you are introduced to a new way of looking at something you’ve never felt very confident about before … and you really like this new perspective … it can offer you serious dose of relief! So, when the topic of the day is the restorative care that you need, our Cleveland, TX team encourages you to start looking at feeling amazing about your required treatment simply by considering what you can expect in terms of results (based on time). It might put a smile on your face!


If You Don’t Get The Restorative Care You Need…

When we determine that you require restorative care, this is something that you need. Unlike determining that whitening is the appropriate selection for your discoloration, or some other distinction that doesn’t impact your oral health now and in the long run, remember that any and all treatments to fix your smile are absolutely necessary. With that said, you may wonder: Why is this so pressing? What’s really going to go so wrong if you avoid a restorative treatment with our Cleveland, TX team? Well, let’s spell out the details for you, so you recognize that seeing us for care is highly preferable to the potential consequences.


4 Basic, Frustrating Side Effects Of Decay

When tooth decay develops, you already know that this is bad news because it means your oral health has been compromised to a certain degree. With that said, we remind you that there are also some other side effects to worry about that may prove extremely frustrating! The silver lining in this cavity cloud? Our Cleveland, TX team, as always, is here to help you! Remember that all you have to do is schedule a visit with us, so we may examine your smile and offer care to fix the problem ASAP!


Helping You Describe Your Toothache

There’s no question about it: You have a toothache. However, when we do question you about it, are you going to be able to give us an in-depth explanation about the type of discomfort you’re experiencing? Or, do you realize that aside from saying, “It hurts!” you aren’t really full of helpful adjectives at the moment to paint a detailed picture of what’s happening inside your mouth? To help you feel much more prepared and aware of your oral health and how to better communicate in this instance, our Cleveland, TX team extends some terms you may want to keep in mind!


3 Things You Didn’t Realize Could Encourage Decay

There are things that you have long had memorized that are clear and obvious causers of cavities! You know that you shouldn’t sit around eating candy all day every day or it might cause oral health problems. You know, as well, that if you don’t brush and floss your smile, you’re probably headed for tooth decay. With that said, you may have had an inkling somewhere along the way that you haven’t been entirely connecting the dots in terms of the many ways you can promote the development of decay. The good news? Our Cleveland, TX team can offer you the insight you want (and need). Any more questions? Just let us know!


Your Cavity: Detect It, Accept It, Treat It! 

When the topic of the day in terms of your smile care concerns is a cavity, well, there are a lot of thoughts that may be going through your mind. Our Cleveland, TX team knows that whether you’re not even sure if you have one and need a dental filling, if this is your first cavity (or most recent in a long line of cavities), or if you are just wondering how to avoid additional tooth decay, you may still have a bit of emotional discomfort in regard to the matter. Generally speaking, when you feel informed and know just what to do, it makes following through with protecting your teeth so much easier! Let us cover the details with some very simple steps.
