Everything You Need To Know About Bruxism

bruxismBruxism, or teeth grinding, is more common than you might think. Moreover, it can have a big impact on your daily life; it greatly affects the health of your teeth, mouth, and jaw. There are a plethora of causes that range from emotional and environmental to jaw alignment issues. If you think you might suffer from grinding, your dentists at Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX can help.


Greater Stability With Dental Implants

cleveland dental implants

A removable set of dentures, of a bridge supported with dental crowns, are not the only options for addressing tooth loss. Your Cleveland, TX, dentist could also use dental implants to create a new set of teeth. Implant dentistry means greater security, and new teeth that could last for decades to come, and possibly even a lifetime! In today’s blog, we’re letting you know all about the benefits of dental implants.
