A Few Tips to Help You Sleep Better at Night

There are many reasons why you might not sleep peacefully every night, but only a few of them can repeatedly diminish your sleep quality every night. The problem with some sleep disorders is that you may not realize your have one for a long time, and the impacts it can have on your daily quality of life can becomes increasingly harder to ignore. Today, we examine a few common ways to improve your quality of sleep each night, and what to do if the problem is something less common and more serious, such as obstructive sleep apnea.

Common tips for better sleep

  • Pick a bedtime and stick to it – Your sleep quality is determined largely by routine. In fact, sleeping is a routine in itself, and one that’s guided by your body’s circadian rhythm. To help ensure you get a good night’s rest every night, it’s important to maintain this rhythm so your body can prepare itself to sleep. To start with, choose a specific bed time and stick to it every night, even if you don’t feel tired at the time.
  • Set your alarm for the same time every day, too – In addition to going to sleep at the same time every night, it’s equally important to wake up at the same time every morning to get your body back on rhythm. To avoid hitting the snooze button and sleeping too long, set your alarm clock far enough away to force yourself out of bed to turn it off. In time, your body will get used to it, and waking up will become much easier.
  • Develop a winding-down routine – If you go to bed before you’re tired and don’t get tired soon afterward, you may need to teach your body when it’s time for it to wind down. The best way to do this is to develop a routine to relax before going to bed. Taking a hot shower or bath, reading a book in lowlight, or anything else relaxing and that doesn’t involve the blue screen of an electronic device can be a great way to teach yourself to wind down.

What if you still feel sleep deprived?

If you try these and other tips to improve your sleep quality, but still feel sleep deprived each day, the problem may be more than just a common sleep problem. For some patients, it’s the presence of obstructive sleep apnea, which can obstruct your airway and force you to stop breathing multiple times throughout the night. These interruptions make it impossible for your brain and body to enter deep, R.E.M. levels of sleep, and over time, deprive you of much-needed rest and rejuvenation.

Learn more about improving your sleep quality

If you have trouble sleeping properly, or feel as though the quality of your sleep isn’t as good as it should be, then learn how we may be able to help with sleep apnea treatment. To learn more, call our Cleveland Family Dentistry office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234. We also serve the residents of Kingwood, Conroe, Livingston, and all surrounding communities.