Common Dental Care Confusion: Same Or Different?

When you’re talking about your dental care, your oral health, and your needs in general, you might find that it’s easy to become confused in certain situations. If you guessed that you’re the only one, for instance, that cannot seem to distinguish between dental bonding and dental contouring, guess again! For some reason, certain smile problems or treatments that tend to “go together” can be difficult to tell apart (possibly because they tend to have some similarities). That is, until you have the help of our Cleveland, TX team assisting you in recognizing what’s what in the world of smile protection!

Dental Bonding Versus Dental Contouring

Fortunately, this one is easy! Remember, of course, that patients frequently become confused about the cosmetic dental care treatments known as dental contouring and dental bonding because they are both budget-friendly, simple, and both help you address minor blemishes, as well as tooth shape. However, they’re not the same (though they can work quite well together). Dental bonding is additive. It adds composite onto your teeth, providing you with coverage or what appears to be the addition of more tooth tissue. Dental contouring is subtractive. It removes some of your tooth tissue. It’s only a tiny bit but it allows you to make changes by gently buffing off some of your tooth’s enamel!

Bruxism Versus TMJ Disorder

Okay, now let’s spend a moment talking about two disorders that are both functional in nature. They also are often credited for causing one another or for making the other one worse, which is why they are frequently mixed up. They are also both treated with the use of an oral appliance, making things just a bit more confusing. We are referencing bruxism disorder and TMJ disorder.

Bruxism is what happens when you are unintentionally yet chronically grinding and clenching your top and bottom teeth! TMD (or TMJ disorder) is the disorder that occurs when your jaw joints (or, your TMJs) are not working up to their potential, due to strain, stress, injury, or other concerns.

Snoring Versus Sleep Apnea

Do you think you need dental care, so you can keep your airways open and actually sleep through the night? If so, you may be dealing with snoring. Or sleep apnea. Or both! Remember:

  • Snoring is when throat tissues partially collapse, resulting in a loud noise!
  • Sleep apnea is when throat tissues fully collapse, stopping you from breathing. However, snoring may also occur as a symptom of this issue!

Understand Dental Care With Us

Yikes! Dealing with loud snoring or other issues? Not sure what’s what? See us when you have any question about what you need for your smile, which treatment will best suit your requirements, and more! Call our Cleveland Family Dentistry office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234. We proudly serve patients and their families from Cleveland and all surrounding communities.