What Makes Dental Implants So Beneficial?

cleveland dental implants

Dental implants look great, restore smile function, and offer a 98% success rate. They also help preserve your smile! In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist talks about what makes dental implants so beneficial, and how we use them to address individual tooth loss and to even secure fixed dentures and more.

The Implant Portion

The implant portion is what makes them so different. While removable dentures or bridges need crowns, suction, and special adhesives, the biocompatible titanium post is actually inserted directly into the jaw with oral surgery. This is accepted by the body as natural root structure, and it bonds with it through a process known as osseointegration. This secures it like an actual root. While removable dentures last about 4 to 10 years, and bridges 10 to 15 years, securing a new smile with implant dentistry means a new smile or tooth that could last decades to come, possibly even a lifetime.

A Lifelike Appearance

We also take measures to ensure your new tooth or teeth will look natural. Once the post or posts bond with the jaw, we connect an abutment that extends above the gum line. We can then attach a dental crown to the abutment to address an individual missing tooth. The crown will look natural and provide a durable chewing surface, blending with the smile seamlessly. For multiple teeth missing in a row, we could attach a bridge, and full and partial dentures are possible too. You will receive a new smile that looks and functions like a natural one.

Long-Lasting Tooth Replacement

When you lose teeth, the body will divert the flow of calcium and phosphates away from the jawbone, causing the bone structure to lose mass and density. This means further tooth loss and a prematurely aged appearance. But since the body accepts the posts as roots, this means stimulating the growth of jawbone tissue as the flow of key nutrients resumes. This is the key to the long lasting nature of your new teeth, and how you can preserve your youthful facial features.

If you have any questions about implant dentistry, or if you have missing teeth, then contact our team today to learn more. We know the importance of a full smile, for both your oral health and function, and the appearance of your smile. Talk to our team today about your options!

Ready to Replace Your Lost Teeth?

We would like to help you enjoy a full smile again with implant prosthetics. If you have any questions about our approach to dental implant placement, or if you would like to schedule a consultation today, please contact Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, at (281) 592-1234. You can also find our practice at 205 E. Houston St. Cleveland, TX 77327.