Understanding That Extractions Can Help

tooth extractionWe understand that you would like to keep all of your teeth. After all, many of our general oral health efforts — like brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist for checkups — have maintaining a healthy, full smile as the primary motivation. Sometimes, however, removing a tooth is the best possible course of action. When a tooth suffers a lot of damage, for instance, and cannot be saved with restoration, an extraction might be necessary. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist discusses the circumstances that require a tooth extraction and the ways we can fill the gap.

When Is An Extraction Necessary?

Extracting a tooth is recommended when it cannot be saved or repaired with restorative procedures. There are myriad circumstances that could necessitate extraction. Severe gum disease, for example, can loosen a tooth to the point where removal is the better option for the health of your gums and smile, overall. Likewise, those with compromised immune systems can benefit from the procedure as well. When teeth become infected, it can spread elsewhere in the body, affecting seemingly unrelated parts of you. In other situations, removing a tooth is wise when a tooth suffers severe damage or irreversible decay. 

What Happens After Extraction?

After having a tooth extracted, you need to take care of your mouth before you get a prosthetic. For about a week after the procedure, you will want to minimize pain and risk of infection by taking prescribed antibiotics and pain relievers. You should also keep your mouth clean by rinsing it with warm salt water and changing any gauze you have regularly. Overall, you need to take it easy and rest whenever you can. 

We Can Fill The Space

Once you have a tooth extracted, you need to have its gap filled as soon as possible. While you surely value the aesthetic benefits of a complete smile, it is also important for the overall health of your mouth. When you are missing a tooth, your jaw can lose its density from the lack of stimulation. Moreover, due to impaired chewing, you run the risk of not getting enough nutrients from your food. 

Because of this, we recommend a prosthetic to complete your smile once again. A dental implant goes into your gums and fuses with your jaw, allowing proper stimulation to take place. Dentures are another option that can fill the gap — even if you have multiple teeth missing. A dental bridge is a more permanent option and can be done if you have one tooth missing or several adjacent ones. No matter your specific needs, your dentist will be able to suggest the best option for you.

Contact Us To Learn More About Tooth Extraction

If you think you might benefit from removing a tooth or if you have any questions about the procedure, please do not hesitate to schedule a consultation today and contact Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, at (281) 592-1234. You can also find our practice at 205 E. Houston St. Cleveland, TX 77327.