Easing Discomfort With A Root Canal

Cleveland root canal

When a tooth begins to ache due to a serious cavity, or if a full-fledged infection has formed, then you may need more than a filling. To stop discomfort and improve oral health, we could recommend an endodontic treatment known as a root canal. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist talks about the benefits of a root canal procedure. 

The Causes of an Infected Tooth

How does a tooth develop an infection in the first place? At the center of every tooth is a collection of tissues known as the pulp, which controls the flow of blood and nutrients to and from the tooth. An infection means harmful oral bacteria has come into contact with the pulp, usually through an untreated injury to the tooth, or a severe case of tooth decay. Unless treated, this could cause pain and the eventual loss of your tooth! Warning signs include tooth sensitivity, toothaches, pain when chewing and being down, swelling, headaches, fever, and a discharge from the tooth. When you experience this discomfort, let us know so we can offer relief with an endodontic procedure! 

Relief With a Root Canal

The root canal is a comfortable procedure that will offer instant relief. We first administer a local numbing agent to keep you comfortable, and could discuss sedation for our more anxious patients. We then gently open the tooth to remove the tissues from within. We thoroughly clean the interior of the tooth, and then add a special restorative material. Finally, we cap the tooth with a custom-made crown, one designed to look natural and also protect the tooth from further injury, decay, or discomfort. The process could take as little as one visit, and help prevent the loss of your tooth, so your smile stays healthy and whole! 

Protecting Your Smile

Steps can then be taken to avoid the onset of an infection in the future. To avoid injury, remember to wear a mouthguard when playing sports or martial arts. To reduce your risk of tooth decay, cut back on sugary foods and drinks, and take time to brush twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste, and floss every evening. Be sure to see us for a checkup and cleaning visit too! With these steps, you enjoy healthy, comfortable, and bright smiles for years to come.

Do You Have an Aching Tooth?

We would like to help your family find relief when suffering an infected or abscessed tooth. If you have any questions about restorative dentistry, or if you would like to schedule a consultation today, please contact Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, at (281) 592-1234. You can also find our practice at 205 E. Houston St. Cleveland, TX 77327.