Ready For A Brighter Smile In 2022?

Cleveland teeth whitening

Do you want your smile to shine in 2022? If so, then we could help with our professional teeth whitening treatments. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist will look at two different treatment options, and also the steps you can take to keep your teeth bright following your treatment.

The Causes of Teeth Stains 

Why do our teeth become stained? The issue could develop when we consume foods high in sugar and starch, as this feeds harmful bacteria and makes stains more visible. Drinks with dark pigments could be. Factor too, such as soda, red wine, tea, and coffee. Lack or proper brushing and flossing and tobacco products could also stain your teeth. As part of your treatment, we want to understand the factors behind your discoloration, and will do so with a thorough dental exam.

In-Office and At-Home Whitening 

While you can easily pick up a store bought option, the results are rarely dramatic and are pretty short lived. These options are also linked to tooth sensitivity too! With our professional options, you could see teeth brightened by up to eight shades, with results designed to last and a reduced risk of tooth sensitivity. With our in-office option, we place a special bleaching gel onto the surfaces of the teeth, and then activate it with a special LED light. This offers results in as little as one to two hours. We also have an at-home option too. You come to the office so we can take impressions of your teeth and create a set of plastic trays. We then send these trays home along with a powerful bleaching gel. At home, you fill the trays with gel and wear them for about 30 to 45 minutes a day, over the course of one to two weeks. 

Keeping Teeth Bright 

To keep your teeth bright, be sure you brush twice a day and floss every evening. Avoid tobacco products and have your teeth professionally cleaned to move buildup every six months. Cut back on drinks with dark pigments, and try to eat healthier foods and snacks without heavy sugar and starch content. If you brightened your smile with our at-home option, you can use the trays and leftover trays for touch-ups down the road. If you have any questions about how we remove stains then contract our team today.

Do You Need Teeth Whitening?

When you have minor or severe discoloration, we could help with professional teeth whitening. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation today, please contact Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, at (281) 592-1234. You can also find our practice at 205 E. Houston St. Cleveland, TX 77327.