Questions To Ask About Teeth Whitening

How do you feel about the color of your teeth? Many different foods and beverages can leave stains, and as more of them gather on your enamel, you can develop serious concerns about the way you look. Unfortunately, they can be difficult to remove when you try to take care of them on your own. Does this mean that you are stuck with a smile that makes you feel self-conscious? With a professional cosmetic treatment, you can resolve these problems. Our Cleveland, TX dentist’s office provides a variety of services, including professional teeth whitening treatment, to improve your appearance. You actually have different options for teeth whitening treatment, as you can take care of discoloration with a take-home treatment, or you can schedule an in-office procedure.

Is Teeth Whitening Treatment Really Right For Me?

If you have problems with dental discoloration that are caused by extrinsic stains—stains left by products you eat and drink, or from tobacco use—a professional teeth whitening treatment can prove to be effective. With the advanced bleaching agents that your dentist uses to fight discoloration, you can make your enamel appear noticeably whiter, which can make your smile look healthier, more attractive, and more youthful. In some cases, patients who worry over discoloration have issues with their tooth structure that are responsible for their cosmetic concerns. In this situation, another procedure can be recommended.

Will I Be Able To Fit Treatment Into My Schedule?

We provide both in-office teeth whitening treatment and the opportunity to take home a kit that you can use to fight discoloration. The take-home kit is specially prepared to help you deal with stains that are difficult to effectively lift with store bought materials. If you prefer to have care take place at our office, we will speed up the process with a special curing light. We can then provide a special pen that you can use at home to “touch up” your smile and prevent problems with new discoloration.

What If I Want To Address More Than Just Discoloration?

If you are interested in doing more than just make your smile whiter, we can help! With other cosmetic dental services, we can address trouble with the shape, size, color, and spacing of teeth. At the end of a procedure to make these kinds of improvements, you can marvel at how your restored smile benefits your overall appearance!

Talk To Your Cleveland, TX Dentist About Teeth Whitening Treatment!

Many people have at least some concern about the color of their teeth, and those concerns can worsen as they pick up new stains. At our Cleveland, TX dentist’s office, we can offer two different approaches to professional whitening treatment, with both delivering exciting smile improvements! This is one of several treatments we provide to people interested in changing their smile. To find out more about how we can help, call Cleveland Family Dentistry today at (281) 592-1234.