Everything You Need To Know About Bruxism

bruxismBruxism, or teeth grinding, is more common than you might think. Moreover, it can have a big impact on your daily life; it greatly affects the health of your teeth, mouth, and jaw. There are a plethora of causes that range from emotional and environmental to jaw alignment issues. If you think you might suffer from grinding, your dentists at Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX can help.

What Is Bruxism?

Bruxism is consistent teeth grinding and clenching that frequently occurs when one is sleeping. It can also happen while awake and those suffering from the disorder are often unaware as they are doing it. Eventually, this teeth grinding can lead to TMJ disorder, which is a jaw joint dysfunction. Mild teeth clenching might not need treatment, as it can dissipate with environmental changes like lessening stress. Primary signs of Bruxism include diminished tooth enamel, sensitive teeth, a sore or tight jaw, flat and chipped teeth, and headaches that seem to stem from the temple. In more noticeable, severe instances, the sound of grinding can wake up others in bed with you. 

What Causes It?

Bruxism can be caused by many issues. If it primarily occurs when you are sleeping, it can be related to other sleep issues such as persistent snoring, sleep-talking, and sleep apnea. If teeth grinding and clenching also occur when you are awake, it is likely that is related to emotional occurrences. Clenching and grinding are often tied to stress, anxiety, anger, frustration, and overall tension. Furthermore, bruxism can be caused by jaw alignment issues and even lifestyle habits like smoking and consuming alcohol and caffeine. Psychiatric medications can also contribute. This is all to say that there are lots of causes for teeth clenching, but because of this, there are also many potential treatments.

How Is It Treated?

Once you schedule an appointment with your dentist, they will examine your mouth and determine the specific issue. From there, they will come up with a personalized treatment plan that often results in the creation of a custom-designed oral appliance, which can help mitigate and prevent damage caused by teeth grinding and clenching. Your dentist can also correct any damage done with other treatments. Depending on the cause of your teeth grinding, practicing stress-relieving techniques can also be effective. Overall, your dentist will look at your holistically and figure out the best course of action for your specific situation.

Learn More About Bruxism

To learn more about treatment for teeth-grinding, schedule a consultation today by contacting Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, at (281) 592-1234. You can also find our practice at 205 E. Houston St. Cleveland, TX 77327. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you find relief.