Screening For Oral Cancer

cleveland oral cancer screening

When suggest a visit every six months for patients of all ages for a dental checkup. These are crucial for your oral health, but we also suggest them so that adults obtain an oral cancer screening at least once a year. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist will explain how you benefit from having your smile screened every year!

Your Six-Month Checkup

We want to see patients of all ages at least once every six months. Most oral health issues, such a cavities or gingivitis, take months to develop so a visit twice a year means we can identify them in the earliest stages and offer treatment before you develop painful symptoms or long-term complications. We examine the smile with advanced digital technology, which enables a diagnosis with accuracy and precision. During the same visit, we will also clean your teeth to remove all harmful plaque and tartar from the surfaces of the smile, a process that reduces the risk of bad breath, teeth, stains, cavities, and even gingivitis and gum disease.

The Screening Process

For adults, we will also screen the smile for oral cancer during one of these visits. Studies from the Oral Cancer Foundation show that at least 53,000 people are diagnosed with the disease each year. Of that number, over half will succumb to it in just five years. The reason for this high mortality rate? The disease is rarely caught in the early stages, by the time you realize something is wrong, it has advanced. However, with an annual screening we have the opportunity to catch it in the earliest stages, which increases the chances of a full recovery.

Warning Signs to Watch For

Warning signs vary, but could include prolonged sore throats, hoarseness, or changes to the voice. A sudden weight loss is a factor, as is the presence of sores, lesions, rough patches, or areas of red and white splotches that don’t heal after two weeks. If you encounter one or more of these warning signs, let us know. We will screen for oral cancer to discover any possible cancerous or precancerous areas, and then you can be referred to a specialist for a biopsy.

Possible Risk Factors

There are a number of potential risk factors for the disease you should be aware of, such as tobacco cause, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, excessive sun exposure, a family history of the disease, or a poor diet.

Your Cleveland, TX Dentist’s Office Discusses Our Screenings

Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX is ready to help you avoid serious complications and poor oral health without regular visits. To find out more about how we keep smiles strong and healthy, then contact our office at (281) 592-1234 to schedule your appointment today.