The Real Problems with Crooked Teeth

The appearance of a smile with crooked teeth can sometimes be obvious, but it isn’t the only problem that can arise when your teeth aren’t aligned the way they should be. The longer teeth remain crooked, or the more out of alignment they become, the greater these problems can become. Today, we take a look at a few of the consequences of tooth misalignment, and why it’s important to correct crooked teeth as soon as possible with appropriate orthodontic treatment.

They’re more likely to be compromised

The alignment of your healthy, natural teeth plays an important role in your oral health, from optimizing your bite’s balance to helping each of your teeth remain strong and healthy. When they’re crooked, your teeth can experience a range of problems that can impact their health and integrity, such as increased risks of becoming damaged or developing a case of tooth decay. The concerns that arise from tooth misalignment will continue to develop and grow worse until the underlying problem is corrected. If you wait long enough, your treatment may also require addressing additional tooth problems to restore their health and integrity.

They negatively impact how your bite works

When your upper and lower teeth don’t line up properly as you bite and chew, the rest of your oral structures have to compensate to keep your bite relatively straight. This can strain every aspect of your bite, including your jaw joints and muscles, and place additional stress on one or more of your teeth. The misalignment and resulting tooth problems can impact the overall functionality of your bite, making it difficult to bite and chew your food comfortably. This can also lead to subsequent bite problems, such as TMJ disorder (a dysfunction in your jaw joints) that can complicate your overall oral health.

They can affect more than just your teeth

TMJ disorder is a dysfunction that occurs in your jaw’s joints, or temporomandibular joints. It can describe damage to the joint’s tissue, a misalignment that causes the joints to move differently, or strain and stress due to uneven bite pressure. Crooked teeth can raise your risks of developing TMJ disorder by affecting how your bite functions and stressing your jaw to compensate for the misalignment. By correcting your crooked teeth, you can lower your risks of developing TMJ disorder and the many other problems that can result from tooth misalignment.

Avoid problems by straightening crooked teeth

In addition to the way they affect your smile’s appearance, crooked teeth can also lead to several other progressive problems with your oral health. To learn more, call our Cleveland Family Dentistry office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234. We also serve the residents of Kingwood, Conroe, Livingston, and all surrounding communities.