Can You Lower Your Risks of Tooth Loss?

Sticking to a good dental hygiene routine every day and visiting your dentist routinely for checkups and cleanings are good ways to lower your risks of experiencing most dental health concerns. That’s because the most common concerns, like tooth decay and gum disease, are the products of certain types of oral bacteria being allowed to accumulate out of control. When it comes to lower your risks of experiencing tooth loss, the same principles apply – it’s important to prevent the many different factors that could potentially lead to tooth loss.

What often leads to tooth loss?

Generally, there are many different potential reasons for a tooth to be lost or have to be extracted. The most common cause is severe gum disease, which causes damage to the bone structure and gum tissues that support your teeth. Other common causes can include severe cases of tooth decay or extensive damage to the tooth’s healthy structure, as well as many others. In addition to gum disease, several of the common causes of tooth loss are also preventable conditions that could be avoided, or successfully treated before they become severe enough to lead to tooth loss.

What makes tooth loss more likely?

Because many tooth loss causes result from oral bacteria buildup, being inconsistent with your dental hygiene routine can be one of the biggest risk factors in your oral health. Brushing and flossing your teeth carefully every day is key to controlling oral bacteria buildup, which you may notice as plaque buildup on the surfaces of your teeth. Also, factors such as smoking or chewing tobacco can raise your risks of tooth loss by exposing your teeth and oral tissues to hundreds of harmful, often deadly chemicals and substances.

How can you improve your chances of preventing it?

If your dental hygiene routine can use more of your attention, or if it’s been longer than it should since your last routine checkup and cleaning, then it’s especially important to take steps as soon as possible to improve your oral health. Most importantly, visit your dentist to determine if you have developed an oral health concern that requires immediate attention and treatment, such as tooth decay or gum disease. The sooner you address any existing concerns, the less likely they’ll be to negatively impact your risks of experiencing tooth loss in the future.

Learn how to lower your risks of tooth loss

People can experience tooth loss for different reasons, which is why lowering your risks of tooth loss involves keeping your smile and oral health in good shape. To learn more, call our Cleveland Family Dentistry office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234. We also serve the residents of Kingwood, Conroe, Livingston, and all surrounding communities.