What’s that Grinding Sound? Signs Your Loved One Has Bruxism

For many patients who have bruxism (chronic teeth-grinding), the problem often becomes most noticeable at night. However, because they’re asleep, their loved ones are often the first ones to notice it due to the sound that grinding teeth make. The loud sound indicates the force with which teeth grind together, and the potential damage that it can cause if left untreated. Fortunately, we can help many patients at our Cleveland, TX, dental office address the problem and stop grinding their teeth with the help of a custom-designed bruxism appliance.

Identifying Bruxism

Nighttime bruxism is the most common form of the condition, and makes it more difficult for patients to identify because they sleep through the worst of the grinding. The noise is one giveaway, but if you sleep alone, then you should also be wary of tooth sensitivity when you wake up in the morning. You should also take note of jaw pain, sore facial muscles, and the sense that your bite doesn’t feel the same when your teeth meet each other.

What the Condition Could Lead To

If left untreated, bruxism can cause a host of subsequent oral health problems, including the extensive wearing down of your healthy tooth structure. Worn down teeth could become cracked or broken easier, and the imbalance in your bite could lead to a dysfunction in your jaw joints (known as TMJ disorder). Each of these can exacerbate your underlying teeth-grinding problem, creating a cycle of discomfort and damage to your teeth.

How We Can Address It

In many cases, bruxism can be addressed early with a custom-designed oral appliance that protects teeth from grinding together. The appliance can be worn at night and is comfortable enough to allow you to rest peacefully. If your bruxism has already caused damage to your tooth structure, then your dentist might recommend one or more dental crowns, cosmetic tooth bonding, porcelain veneers, or other solutions for restoring it.

Call Us to Learn More About Bruxism Treatment

If you or a loved one shows signs of bruxism, then seek treatment as soon as possible to avoid the more serious problems of teeth-grinding. To learn more about their benefits, call our Cleveland Family Dentistry office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234. We proudly serve patients and their families from Cleveland, Kingwood, New Caney, Conroe, Livingston, Huffman, and all surrounding communities.