Lesser Known Reasons You Really Need An Extraction

There are obvious reasons that you need a tooth extraction that you can likely come up with on your own. For instance, when you end up experiencing some sort of impact and your tooth is seriously damaged, it’s not surprising that the remaining tissue may need to be removed. Or, you have wisdom teeth that aren’t behaving themselves! However, what about the stuff you’ve never really considered? Surely, there are other reasons that we may need to remove a tooth, right? Of course. Remember: We will guide you toward replacing the tooth, as well, when necessary.

It’s In The Way Of A Denture

Imagine you want a full denture for an arch of teeth because of extensive tooth loss. However, you have just one tooth remaining. Replacing a full arch of teeth with either a traditionally supported or implant supported denture is not possible when one lone tooth remains. In some cases, a tooth extraction will allow you to move forward with your plans.

You’ve Just Got Too Many Teeth

Ready for braces? You might need them but you’ve simply got too many teeth in your mouth to get everything into nice alignment. Tooth extractions can create that space, so you’re ready for braces and the lovely smile that will follow.

A Cavity (A Serious One)!

Patients often assume that all cavities are just tiny holes in their teeth. The truth is that tooth decay starts off small but can destroy a huge amount of your dental tissue. This may leave you without enough tissue to salvage (and you may be at serious risk of infection or already have an active infection). Teeth that cannot be saved through other means make good candidates for a tooth extraction, so remember: Take care of those tooth to keep them right where they are!

Understand Extractions When You Talk With Us

See our team to learn about your extraction and to receive the care you need to fully restore your smile’s health. Call our Cleveland Family Dentistry office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234. We proudly serve patients and their families from Cleveland, Kingwood, New Caney, Conroe, Livingston, Huffman, and all surrounding communities.